ノキアちゃんが質問する中、他の弟や妹が容器を持ち上げたりして不思議そうにしています。ディーさんは手紙を置き、白くて細長い物が入った物を取り出 terjemahan - ノキアちゃんが質問する中、他の弟や妹が容器を持ち上げたりして不思議そうにしています。ディーさんは手紙を置き、白くて細長い物が入った物を取り出 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan





「何だこの奇怪な文字は? お前読めるのか?」






「こんな沢山のスパイスで一体何が出来るんだろ? 味が滅茶苦茶になっちゃうじゃない」


「ノキアちゃん! シリウス様がそんな物を送るわけないでしょ。あの御方は凄い人なんだから、きっと最高に美味しい物が出来るわ」
「シリウス様が凄いのは何度も聞いたよ? だけどなぁ……その人って本当に年下なの?」




ディーさんが緑色のスープが入った大きな鍋を持ち、アラドが白い粒々がいっぱい詰った鍋を持っています。何で二種類あるのでしょうか? 二つがテーブルに並べられると、私達は集まったのを確認してディーさんは料理の説明を始めました。




味見をしたと思われるアラドの目が輝いています。ふふふ、そうでしょう、そうでしょう! 目前にいなくとも屈服させるこの威光。これこそシリウス様の実力です!

「旦那が凄いのはわかってるから早く食べようぜ? この匂いで空腹も限界だ」
「わっ! すぐに配るから待って待って!」


「アラド! 私にも早く頂戴!」



ああ、やっぱりあなたは最高です! 愛してます! 貴方と結婚して良かった!

「ちょっとお姉ちゃん!? いきなり見つめ合って何をしているの!」


「これは辛いな! だが……美味い!」
Dari: Jepang
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
In question is Nokia's other brother and sister to lift containers, curiously. Dee's letter, take things you thing white and slender, was put on the Palm."Say this is rice. Will replace pan cook rice according to the description by the food "See it as an alternative to the bread. Not great ones. So, what is this Green and yellow powder for? 」"Spice combination is likely. From mixing rate, write anyway you want to make things strange ""To the well, heck any combination. And what's this shit! 」 GADD's next peeped in SIRIUS ' letter, but was surprised to found something unexpected."The grotesque characters of what? You can read? 」"Rightly so. It's the word Nihongo devised the Sirius ""Less even if it found another recipe, you know we taught the Japanese language only, it is not""The I-... An amazing husband really are thinking up there in those years " SGO is natural is that he knows a lot of knowledge we can not imagine, from. Squire proud."HM... Depending on the type of meat seems to change the formula. Had certainly left over chicken from this takes's and was order and was of spice with a little bit extra...... " While comparing the Spice containers, eye of Chef Dee's has become. Oh... Still looking good!. Could you cook someone's face is a friendly place, but I love it. So Nokia-CHAN, that girl is gonna give absolute eye."Okay... Found. Arad, ready ""I see" Is my three younger brother. Mrs. Cook's longing, now become his Chief disciple, has trained day and night. I'd off Dee's go into the kitchen and Arad, I decided to wait while reading the letter."What can this many spices?? Taste mess become I'm not " This is a big deal. Nokia-Chan does not believe SIRIUS like. I do not if I'm reading the letter, tell the wonders of Sirius soon."Nokia-CHAN! Sirius will send such a course. That he is such a great person I'm from I'm sure very delicious thing. "「シリウス様が凄いのは何度も聞いたよ? だけどなぁ……その人って本当に年下なの?」「ええそうよ。十一歳になられたわ」「……本当かなぁ」 会った事が無いから仕方がないかもしれませんが、やはり信じてくれませんね。こうなったらディーさんの料理が頼みです。私は期待しつつ、手紙を読みながら待ち続けました。 しばらくすると、厨房から何とも香ばしい匂いがしてきました。 こう……空腹を誘うといいますか、思わず唾を飲み込んでいました。私の妹と弟達も同じ様子で、匂いに釣られて厨房を覗き込んでいるくらいです。「……出来たぞ」「出来たよ皆!」 そしてついに料理が完成しました。 ディーさんが緑色のスープが入った大きな鍋を持ち、アラドが白い粒々がいっぱい詰った鍋を持っています。何で二種類あるのでしょうか? 二つがテーブルに並べられると、私達は集まったのを確認してディーさんは料理の説明を始めました。「この白いコメに、こっちの緑色のスープをかけて食べるそうだ。カレーライスと言う料理らしい」「合わせて食べる物だったんですね。それより、こっちの白いのが妙に水っぽいけど?」 少しべちゃっとしていて、見た事がない料理です。本当に美味しいのかと疑問が浮かんできますが、シリウス様の料理は見た目が変でも美味しい物が沢山ありました。今回もきっと素晴らしい物なんでしょう。「本来ならコメはもっとふわっとしているそうだが、どうも水の量と火加減が上手くいかなかったようだ」「だけど味は保証するよ。こんな料理を作ったなんて、シリウス様って本当に凄い人だよ!」 味見をしたと思われるアラドの目が輝いています。ふふふ、そうでしょう、そうでしょう! 目前にいなくとも屈服させるこの威光。これこそシリウス様の実力です!「旦那が凄いのはわかってるから早く食べようぜ? この匂いで空腹も限界だ」「早く配ってよ」「アラド兄~、早く~」「わっ! すぐに配るから待って待って!」 皆の目は鋭く、今にもアラドへ襲い掛かりそうな勢いです。いけませんね、シリウス様の料理は静かに待ち厳かにいただくものですよ。昔ならアラドに群がる皆と同じ行動をしたでしょうが、今の私は違うのです。皿を用意して静かに……静かに……。「アラド! 私にも早く頂戴!」「待ってくれよ姉貴!」 ……私の中の野生は抑えきれなかったようです。アラドに詰め寄る私を、ディーさんは肩を叩いて皿を差し出してくれました。「ノエルはこっちだ。この料理は少し辛いから、お前用に少し抑えた物を作っておいた」「あなた……」「沢山食べるといい」 ああ、やっぱりあなたは最高です! 愛してます! 貴方と結婚して良かった!「ちょっとお姉ちゃん!? いきなり見つめ合って何をしているの!」「おっといけない。それではいただきますね」「ああ」 各人にスプーンが配られ、私達はかれーらいすを口にしました。 皆スプーンを咥えたまま固まり、しばらくすると慌てて水を飲み始めました。ですが、その顔は非常に満足気でした。「これは辛いな! だが……美味い!」「凄く濃厚で癖になりそうな味ね。おかわり無いの?」「ごめん、かれーはともかくコメが足りなくて一食分しかないんだ。パンに付けて食べてみたらどう?」「良い着眼だアラド。これをパンに入れて揚げる、カレーパンというレシピもあったぞ」「それも美味そうだな。だけどこれじゃあ足りないから、パンを持って来てくれよ」
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
While Nokia chan question, other brother and sister I have to wonder likely to lifting the container. Dee's puts the letter, it had been put on the palm and take out the ones that came on white elongated thing to have. "This is by you cook to be due to the seems. Description says rice, to become food to replace the bread" , "not a thing great ...... I enough to substitute for bread. So, what No This green or yellow powder?" "These I hear that's a spice that you can use in combination. Since the blending rate is written, anyway made ​​is that it is not try Na " "Oh, heck I any combination ..., what's absorbing it!?" Except the letter of Sirius-like from the side It is the crowded Gadd's, but was surprised to find what you ridiculous something. "What's this bizarre character? You read the?" "It's a matter of course. It's a character that Japanese Sirius recommendation has devised" and "this if you also found in other cooks do not finds out recipe, know the Japanese Teach It is not only we had you, " it is the thinking up there in the "Huh ~ ...... That year, really husband is amazing Na" because you know that he shall a lot we do not imagine even knowledge, terrible is the course. It is proud as a servant. "Seems to change is compounded by the type of ...... meat Hmm. Since certain poultry had been left over, spices ...... in slightly more that this cardamom and turmeric" while comparing the container containing the spices, Mr. Dee that is a cook's eyes. Oh ...... Hey it is still good looking. Friendly place is also, but you were the cook's face I love. So Nokia chan, I'll even not raise absolute look in such a maiden eyes. "Well it was found .... Arad's Preparation" and "I understand" Arad is my three younger brother. The longing to cook of Dee's, we are pushing a training day and night to become his best pupil is now. To see off the Dee and Mr. Arad entering the kitchen, but I I decided to wait while reading the letter arrived. "I wonder what the heck is possible in such a lot of spice? Taste is not it becomes a mess." This is a big deal. Nokia-chan does not believe Sirius like. It is not a case you are reading the letter, if not immediately convey the splendor of Sirius like. "Probably not to not send a Nokia-chan! Sirius like is such a thing. That personage from'm a terrible person, I'm sure I can be something delicious is best" and the "I wonder though is it? I've heard many times of Sirius like is amazing ...... Is that really younger What people? " "Yeah Yeah. ten and I was not in one-year-old" "...... real or wonder" might there is no way because never met, will not you still believe I do. When this happens we ask is Dee's cuisine. I've waited while while expected, read the letter. After a while, it has been downright sweet smell from the kitchen. You say that with the anti invites ...... hungry, or had swallowed involuntarily spit. My sister and brother who is also in the same situation, it is about being peek kitchen by being lured to smell. "'ll Could ......" "I was able to everyone!" and finally cooking was completed. It has a large pot of Dee's has entered a green soup, Arad will have a full of pot is white grainy. What on whether Will there two types? When the two are side by side on the table, we Dee's Confirm the gathered began a description of the cuisine. "In this white rice, it's so eat over here of green soup. Curry seems to Rice and say cuisine" and "but I was something to eat together. it than, I strangely watery and that here the white?" a little If you are chatting, it is never seen cooking. You come to mind is a question to be really delicious, but the cuisine of Sirius-like those delicious-looking even strange there was a lot. It will do surely great thing this time. The "original if rice'm so are more fluffy, but very much the amount of water and the degree of fire seems did not work" by "But taste is guaranteed. The Nante made ​​this cuisine, really great people I Sirius like It's! " Arad eyes that seem to have the tasting is shining. Hehehe, it would be so, it would be so! This prestige to be subdued even without have at hand. This is what is the Sirius-like ability! "Let 's eat early because I know of a great husband do? The hunger also a limit in the smell" "I giving away soon" "Arad brother ~, early -" "Wow! Wait, wait from a hand out soon!" everyone eyes sharp, it is about to attack takes likely momentum to Arad. It must not, Sirius-like cuisine is what you get in quietly waiting solemnly. We would have the same behavior as everyone who flock to Arad and if the old days, but now I am different from. By preparing the dishes quietly ...... quietly .... "Arad! Give me my early too!" "waiting for me by elder sister!" it seems ...... wild in I could not suppressed. Me draw closer to Arad, Dee's had me held out the dish by hitting the shoulder. "Noel's here. Because this dish is a little spicy, had been made ​​a thing that is kept a little for you" "You ......" "I eat a lot," Oh, I thought you are the best! I love you not! I was glad to marry you! "What! What are you doing with committed staring at your sister!? Suddenly a little" and "should not and whoa. So I will receive" "Oh" spoon is distributed to each person, we have to mouth the Kareraisu . Everyone spoon masses remains were suck, and began to drink the water in a hurry after a while. But, his face was very satisfied mind. "This is it! But ...... delicious! Painful" "I taste a going to be a very rich habit. Contact Instead In No?" "I'm sorry, curry I have only one meal without Anyway enough rice. bread How Once you put eat try? " fry to put "good paying attention but Arad. this to the pan, also had'll" recipes that curry bread Na's "It also delicious likely. But because not enough this Ja, with a bread It came "

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