「私の伝を使い、儀式中のメイドと執事として潜入するのはどうでしょうか? あの二人は従者として確かな技術を持っているようですし、上手く誤魔化せ terjemahan - 「私の伝を使い、儀式中のメイドと執事として潜入するのはどうでしょうか? あの二人は従者として確かな技術を持っているようですし、上手く誤魔化せ Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


「私の伝を使い、儀式中のメイドと執事として潜入するのはどうでしょうか? あの二人は従者として確かな技術を持っているようですし、上手く誤魔化せば紛れ込む事も可能かと」
「なら明日はエミリアとレウスを変装させますので、その方法で潜入させてもらえますか? 私もガルガン商会の丁稚として城に入りますので」


「ですが結構な距離がありますよ? リース様の足では厳しいかと」




「最後に……リース様に会えたら、リーフェル様の伝言をお伝え願えますか? もっとわがままを言いなさい……と」


クーラという男がどのような奴なのか? そして彼の親とエバリティ家も納得いくまで調べ上げるつもりである。前世でこういう情報収集は頻繁に行っていたし、なにより情報伝達が発展していない世界での噂話を信用するのは早計だろう。






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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
"To infiltrate as a ritual in maid and Butler and I transfer what? And you can also 誤魔化seba well, and those two seems to have solid technology as guard "See you in a way that could infiltrate disguised Emilia and reus is tomorrow, so what? So I also enters the Castle as an apprentice of Gargan "See 畏marimashita. Lease is one more thing you are doing with it like leasing became a kidnap situation, if you like or could you take me to the source of the river? 」"Sanatorium was a river-like. Location can be either? 」"Will be across the Lake to the Northwest from the Castle. Prominent buildings, so I'll immediately. Provides horses and carriages in the Interior of the Castle, so using it and ran away, " In actually flew the Elysium around several times late at night and were making a map of the area around. Reminds me of Xenia said, was medium-sized buildings beside the Lake. Pursuers say coming soon if you run something in horses and horse-drawn carriage, there is running several carriages and horses, be a decoy. Speaking naturally and rightly, from kidnap Princess 1 countries would become important."We place. Than we need horses and horse-drawn carriage. So easy to pursuers shaking is going through the Woods ""But there is quite a distance? Lease customer's or severe in the legs and ""I trained her, okay. It is easier if only we trained in the Woods always running around will flee. " Also around the diamond villa surrounded by forest from a. Called to get through rough training, have the confidence to catch up to Woods who drove and also without senior adventure seekers. Having the worst lease, should I die. I suppose, but alas for brother and sister get chasing on foot.「…… I understood. If you think roiling using decoys at the very least try to run ""Thank you. So Rite what? when? 」"From the night. So I come to pick up in the evening, but both falling will do? 」"Ask in Gargan. No suspect to talk through the firm, so most will taxis to Emilia "' Okay. I want to hear something other? 」"Flow of information for other nobles and ritual details please." Then she finished the requirements and further information to get back home to major river Princess and said. Diamond Villa's front door and stepping out into the night with her, told me."At the end. Lease travellers look, refer our message and tell you? Tell me more selfish. And ""It is the message that is right for her. OK, surely will tell " And totally muttered with a laugh, she disappeared into the darkness. Are attacked by bandits will be escorted to the normally safe, but because she is competent substantial could quickly reverse the killed. At all in this area no such guys. I will do it. From the information you just got to plan fixes and and have homework. I went back to the room of diamonds opened the door to the underground rooms beneath the bed made. In covering ones harder to park here has made me and a little property. Have to able to go onto the entrance is completely disguised as the magic of its own and a special key so that even in Emilia. Ones, dark with handmade and not want to be seen by even his disciples is packed with. Take covert dress blue is put in the basement and quickly changed. It's floating image would think if they hide at night in black clothes, black and looks so blue and persimmon strain is suitable. Bug flew night I go out, and make sure there is. Ahead is a House lease marry nobility, Cura-everythi. What kind of guy is the man, Kula? And, it is going to find out that by convincing his parents and home everythi. In a previous life collecting such information would conclude you credit rumors in the world does not develop communication above all, had frequently. Creeping forward wall residences Senia was heard little in front, under cover of darkness of the night, the around the House. Noble House so naturally Lookout, but using "search" watch holes found soon. "String" and jump over fences with "boost", had broken into the House and within seconds. 盗mi見tari trade article in the Office and look inside the mansion in everythi House nature came into view. Heard and contribute a great deal to Elysium King seems an accepted, but it seems true. That's true. It was the awful face, back. Well that hid them well, dyed to anything fraudulent misappropriation is natural, makes extensive use of who's behind the scenes to eliminate the distractions of Fame. A table was a villain, but outrageous in the back wearing a mask of good's. The moment now is better, one single mistake becomes public, will all fail. Would swallow evil little country is not only good, but this noble black too much dye would be. And I don't think 1 country an excellent King was not aware of this, a clear identity of the discomfort felt prenuptial ritual. Because the material evidence and for the time being some carrots from the next room heard loud look towards. Were scolded by the old man bearded you look room, a handsome young man full of dignity."Many times say. It's good if I say to hear you. Thanks to its come up here? 」"That's right. Should I... ""A chance fame. to the Royals finally home everythi. Keep throwing mystery such a sickly daughter! 」「………… Okay " With features from Xenia heard from the person called cooler seems young, handsome man. As heard, and not totally 言i返sete my opinion seems to parent's Beck and call. Kula biting teeth while conflict put the chest room, so I've followed quietly. And went into a small room to look into, learned of his situation. Thing was, well, sneaked home everythi, Cura principal white... Until now because I did not, did orders such as gray's. However, he will range over yet again. Problem parents cooler, and this guy is completely black. Because there is actual hand to make me good, but contributed to the country put out hands to poor across Elysian may give effect. Trying to forget the material picked up here now if you see the river Princess, and return. In the meantime time around midnight, I came to dia. Have sponge of the huge cake is somewhat tired, but now out of the prenuptial ritual to make it. Still in company no aubmmodoki from here I wouldn't make not. And take a little nap on the way, even today enough rest so no. And prenuptial ritual day. Bother you from the morning to Gargan shokai, a giant wedding cake, evening was completed ago. It's followed by brother and sister in disguise. Beautiful Silver and black black paint body into harmless, disguise is the end tail put clothes in hidden Wolf ears headband. A little ear's cramped would let stand two people. Horse-drawn carriage in the evening, carrying a Xenia Gargan company came. Was drinking the saliva Xenia a giant wedding cake, were surprised, but I did not go unnoticed. By the way I are brother and sister and Zach seriously, was chagrined. You heartburn if you eat this big of you guys. We boarded the coach as an adjunct to support the cake, head to the Castle at the destination. Xenia that somehow a security checkpoint.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
"I use my transfer, to How to'll we do?? Those two people to infiltrate as a maid and butler in the ritual seems to have a solid technology as a servant, whether it is also possible to slip into if fool well"
and "If tomorrow Since it to disguise the Emilia and Reus, because to enter the castle as apprentice of Could you? I also Garganta firm allowed to sneak in that way, "
and "Yes, sir. but the same is there another ask, lease If you are turned to the kidnap situation like, Do not you please take me a lease like to Riferu like the original? "
"Riferu like I was a sanatorium. or location will be either?"
" It will be on the other side of the lake in the north-west from the castle. noticeable because there is a building, you will see immediately if closer. Since the interior of the castle will provide a horse and carriage, please escape us with it. " In fact, late-night and than is was making a map of peripheral I Zhou flew several times Elysium around in. As you say Xenia, I was reminded of beside the lake there was a medium-sized building. It soon likely to come pursuers if Nigere in something horses and horse-drawn carriage, but there's so to decoy running a multiple of carriages and horses. It would be of course if granted say, but I have come to cherish it because of dredge the one country of the princess. "The location was grasp. It than to ours horses and horse-drawn carriage is not required. Because those who go speeded in the forest is likely to shake off the pursuers." "But in quite a distance there is a yo? lease-like legs severe or the " It 'is "all right then you have trained her well. And we from the woods have running around my daily life, it is easy by" If you just run away as training because even around the die Zhuang are surrounded by forest I. And to running intently through the forest in the name of training for off-road on a rough road, it can be said with confidence If you do not keep up unless also a senior adventurer. And should we fly to suffer the worst lease. In that case, it's poor to siblings, but let's say you get chased on foot. The "Okay .... If at least disturbance and of using a decoy, I would try to run" , "thank you. So ritual Would o'clock What?" I will from the "night. So I greeted in the evening Although come you, we'll we do?? "should I celebrating either you ask in the "Garganta firm. Since keep through to talk to Chamber of Commerce, the most suspicious is not Emilia us and would" pick up you want to hear something in. the other to "Okay Things Have you? " "and the other party aristocracy information, For more information please the flow of the ritual" then got further information, she said that she was finished the requirements Back to the Lord is Riferu princess of the original. Take the entrance of the dialog show, she was trying to step forward a foot to the street at night to look back told me. "When you meet the last ...... lease-like, do you Negae tell the message of Riferu like? And more selfish a Say ......" "I she is the perfect message to. Okay, you can tell surely" all It is and tweet with a laugh, she disappeared into the darkness. It would be normal if the escort to a safe place, but she would become the own head to reverse even if attacked by a thief because it is considerable masterful. The first place such and guys are not in this neighborhood. And I have things to do. Fixes and of planning on the basis of the information obtained earlier, is because must the various and homework. I returned to my room of die-Shaw, opened the door to the basement, which was made ​​under the bed. Here and not easily publicly I have made ​​is to, it is of hiding a bit of property, etc.. On entrance you are completely disguised, it has to make that it is impossible even Emilia enter because it subjected to a special key and unique magic. To certain Even handmade dark instrument, because I packed the thing you do not want even seen a disciple. Was dressed quickly extracts the covert clothing of dark blue that are closed in the basement. Although you would think that it is clothes of black if hidden in the night, he dark blue and Kakiiro system is suitable because look floated image that it is black. Trouble is sure that the no, I flew an empty night they go out. ahead towards the marriage partner of nobility of the lease, it is the house of cooler Ebariti. What guy of a man is that cooler? And his parents and Ebariti who is also going to bring examine convincing. To such information collection has been performed frequently in the previous life, to trust the rumors in the world that is not above all information transfer is development it would be premature. Get off down a little in front of the house that had been heard in Xenia, creeping to the front of the fence that surrounds the mansion is undeniably on the night of darkness. Of course watch is because it is noble of house, but found immediately Nante lookout of holes if you use the "search". And I jumped over the fence with a "boost" and "string", was entering into the house a few seconds of things. You can peep the documentation for the transaction in the office, it has been seen nature of Ebariti house while you examine the internal mansion. It is so in the story that I heard has been recognized to the king by a significant contribution to Elysium, but it seems to be a fact. That amount is true that ..., it was something behind the face is terrible. Illegal embezzlement as a matter of course, and extensive use of persons back the world to the exclusion of disturbing person, dyed to hand anything in order to rise in the world, it was found well that has been hiding them well. Table I mean that with a good man of the mask, but it's not was ridiculous villain in the back. Now it would be good, but will one of miss bankruptcy is all in an instant if accustomed to public. Good will only in the country is somewhat of evil because not move swallow, but this aristocracy would too dyed black. I do not think the king of excellent one country is not yet aware of this, the identity of the discomfort that has been felt in premarital ritual was clearly. When it Mitsukuro~tsu some material which for the time being the evidence, let us toward because loud voice was heard from the next room. Young handsome man if Kome looking through the room, it was a situation that has been angry old man that was bearded dignity full beard. The "say any number of times. You are he may long to hear that you say I. The wonder was coming up here thanks?" "That's right. But I ......" "My Ebariti house but it's a chance to finally rise in the world to the royal family. Anna sickly daughter Oke discard mystery! " and "I understand ............" To see from the features that had been heard from Xenia, I guess young person handsome man called cooler. Do not have all Ikaese my opinion, it seems to be the mercy of the street had heard parents. Since the cooler put away in the chest the conflict while clenching the teeth out of the room, I tried to quietly tailing. And enter the phrase room, and knew his situation and peek inside. Well, I would that it were found to be infiltrated to Ebariti house, cooler person is it's gray because until the white ...... did not go, is there that was doing the instruction illegal, and the like. However, he would still start over range. Problem is the parent of the cooler, this guy's completely black. I'll also be good to make a hand, but may give an effect on the entire Elysium if put out a hand to poor because some achievements that have contributed to the country. If you met this time Riferu princess, let's say you go to forget where it picked up materials. and traveling to the time within which is around late at night, I came home to die show. Although there are some tired, you do I have made ​​the sponge part of the huge cake to issue the prenuptial ritual from now. Because still there is no oven beetle in Garganta Chamber of Commerce, and I'll not be made ​​to be not a here. Along the way even take a nap a little, it is not likely to rest on the record today. And prenuptial ritual day. It bother you to Garganta Chamber of Commerce in the morning, it was completed a huge wedding cake before evening. It is a disguise of siblings followed. A beautiful silver-haired in the harmless black paint on the body in black hair, the tail was placed in a clothes, disguise hiding Okamimimi in Katyusha's end. It would be cramped a little ear Although the two people I'll have to endure. Horse-drawn carriage loaded with Xenia in the evening came to Garganta firm. Xenia has been surprised to see the huge wedding cake, but the had to drink spit I did not miss. By the way, siblings and Zach had seriously a want chagrin rather eat. And you guys gonna be heartburn if you eat of this big. I we boarded the coach as an aid to support the cake towards the castle is the destination. Checkpoint of security will us to somehow Xenia.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
"Use my legend, it infiltrate as a maid and ritual in Butler? They seem to have certain skills and his servant, but if it gets into the well and can be 」
「 tomorrow so it disguises Emilia and Bacillus cereus, would you sneaking in that way? I was 」
「 畏まり gal to enter the castle and the company. And another one is to capture all the lease conditions, if you likeLee felt like to lease to take me? " Mr. Lee was
「 sanatorium fell. Where do you? " On the other side of the lake is located in the northwest from the
「 castle. The building is conspicuous, and you will soon find it. Inside the castle, a horse and carriage, so it is 」

actually in the middle of the night in the circumferential flying around several times to make the Elysian map around me get away with. As a seniorI remember there was a medium-sized buildings near the lake. It is likely that your horse and wagon come pursuers if you run away at once, and a plurality of horses running a decoy. And, of course, of course, but it will be important to kidnap Princess of a country that has become. The

「 place was grasped. It is more than we need on the horse and wagon. There is the distance 」
「 pursuers to go off so easily cut through the woods and good? In severe or lease your feet &"It's all right with her training. I was on the train and we always running around in the woods, and only if you are easy to get away 」

around the die was surrounded by a forest. Name of training and to run the forest road running earnestly, also cannot catch up with the advanced adventure and must have confidence. If you have a good flight release at the worst. In that case, I'll have a poor study and pursuing on foot.

「…… I see.If I think of at least 」
「 using decoy disturbance to be performed. So what will the ceremony? " Will
「 at night. So, I will come to meet in the evening, I go? "
「 gal gun is unreliable. In the company through the story, so no wonder most will be picked out in our 」
「. Do you want to hear something else? " And the Lord of mating ritual of information flow in detail, please 」

Further information on the matter said after she fell back to Princess Lee is the main source. Out of the door, so taking a look back to the foot at night she told me.

「... Finally... If you like, you can release message to fell to? You have to say... More... She is very 」
「 message. Okay, you are quite sure 」

murmurs and laughing, she disappeared into the darkness.Unusual places to be safe to escort, but because she is quite a clever if attacked by bandits who fought on. It is not like that around here. At this, I have to do. Planning and information obtained earlier, and should be doing their homework. To die was returned to the room, I opened the door to the basement is made under the bed. And here I am not made publicIt is a bit like hiding property. The entrance is on, and even completely disguised as a key in a unique magic, so as to make no special occasions. Handmade dark is because we don't want to be seen even the disciples from there. Out of the blue dress is put away in the basement I changed my clothes quickly. In the night I will hide the black clothes and black, it is because the visible image system is suitable for floating and yellowish brown or dark blue.Make sure there is no problem, I got out of the sky at night. The nobles of the release of the marriage partner ahead of the cooler and evaporator on the house. At a guy like that man cooler? And we will examine and up to his parents house in the evaporator. Often carried out by all this information in a previous life, it would be something more information is transmitted to the development of the credit in the world for gossip. To the senior hearing before the house down, downIn the darkness of the night to sneak up in front of the wall surrounding the house. But, of course, so watch aristocratic family, use "search" now I found the watch. "String" and "boost" to use over the fence, and in a matter of seconds. A glance at the office to deal with data, and appeared on the nature of the evaporator in the internal. I heard that a lot in the Elysian contributions to the king, it is in fact. AtIt is a fact that... The back face was terrible. Fraud and corruption, the way to eliminate the lining used for rise in the world, with nothing to do, those that hide. The table is not a good thing behind the mask, was not a scoundrel. Now is a good, but one mistake will be publicly in an instant if all goes bust. Only good at not move from the country will swallow some evilThis will only dyed black nobility. Good king of a country and is not aware of this, a clear sense of incongruity in the marriage ceremony. And I'll leave some material evidence and the way I heard a loud voice from the next room. The room to look into a handsome young man, full of dignity in the face with an old man was angry. Say it again and again

「. If you listen to me good.Will come this far in it? "
「 street. But me. " My house is on
「 evaporator at last chance to rise from the royal family. Such as abandoned and sickly daughter! "
「………… In the view from the features found 」

heard from senior, handsome young man and a cooler. Opinion of his own face, listening to all of the parents. If the conflict at the chest cooler out of the room while clenching teeth, soI followed it. And in a certain room, looked into his circumstances. Well now, sneak into the evaporator in the house but found himself, cooler white... If so, what is the grey order to cheat. But still he will start. The problem is the parent of the cooler, that's completely black. I make a good hand of the country since the results contribute to the entire Elysion it may affect the poor.You see this time Lee princess fell in, let's forget picked up the data back. While sitting in a circle in the night time, so I came back. There is a little tired, but I have to make a giant sponge cake premarital ritual. Because there is still in a firm that gun, make a fish from the oven is not here. By the way, take a little nap today would not rest well. Stress and premarital ritual. AtGal gun from morning to intrude the company completed the previous evening wedding cake. The sister and brother in disguise. In the gray hair black hair with black paint on the body, the tail of the clothes in the wolf in disguise hidden headband ear is completed. I'll have to put up with two little ears are tight. In the evening at the carriage which was carrying a gun to Electric Co., Ltd.. Allows you to see a huge surprise wedding cake, but I missed you drink.By the way, Zack and eat really sore. If you have such a big to heartburn. At the carriage board as an aid to support us, and we went to the castle cake is the destination. I will make the senior security inspection.
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