Third is a lieSubject: blogSounds good! (533) comments (35)You guys are good!PhotosToday after a long time met and shinnosuke!ButDuring the practice of "present"Was saidMuscle training equipmentFinally we present today.LolAfter the psychedelic?Et al seems already passed 1 month lolBut, thank youShin-Chan I'mTrain.Once in a whileAfter a long time with anyway, I as wellAnything butMeetTalking aboutTalking aboutTalked aboutAnd I too matey?That doesn't settle down!In the few conversationsEven laughing insanely funOr isIt was a good timeInAt nightI was wondering I was lostI went"Crawl RPX Weiss I F 'Actually criedI really, Weiss got it worksShe likesWhat sadEnd?Serious?Follow?Movie long, Weiss and child warriors.HadI watched a very very happyIf you feel itOverpowering feeling of reverseI feltOP and ED are good tooBut flu shouldn't impress more and listenShall beI don't know, but thisWatching a work song, and if you likeAnd if you don't watch it, good looks気持ちも差が出るのかもしれないかもしれないけどその喜びと幸せや、充実に出会えて僕はとても幸せ好きでよかったな一つでも多くの感動がしたい僕にしかわからない感動があってもそれを共有できないことはもしかしたら孤独で寂しいことかもしれないけどそれでも知らないよりはずっといい0より1そんな感じその感動の分、僕も頑張るから良い作品を沢山届けられるようにそして世界のどこかにいる誰かから今の僕と同じ気持ちを同じ言葉を聞かせて欲しいなそんなことを這いよれニャル子さんを観て思うことができる僕はアニオタでもラブライバーでもないそう、ただの健全な男子(すっとぼけじゃ(TωT)/~~~
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