かつて最強と呼ばれた男今回も少し残酷な描写があります。「それらしき相手を見た!?」 鮮血のドラゴンの話を聞いた俺は、貴族二人が連れていた全身 terjemahan - かつて最強と呼ばれた男今回も少し残酷な描写があります。「それらしき相手を見た!?」 鮮血のドラゴンの話を聞いた俺は、貴族二人が連れていた全身 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan








「はい!? 何ですか?」


「シリウス君! ここは一階では――……」









金髪の狼耳……金狼族か何かだろうか? いや、何だっていい。こいつはレウスが食らい付いた奴で、そして弟子達を痛めつけた罪人だ。











「シリウスさん! レウス君が私達を守る為に! それにエミリアが私を庇って!」












「何を謝るんだ? お前はリースを庇ったんだろう? レウスもだが、お前もよく頑張ったな」


「本当ですか! 良かった……本当に良かったよぉ……」







「おや、ようやく終ったのかな? 正直見ていて吐き気がしたから、何度襲おうか我慢するの大変だったんだよ? でも喜んだ後で絶望する表情って最高だから我慢したんだ」
「そっか。ところで僕達が誰か知った上で話してるの? あっちの子達にはしたけど、自己紹介してあげようか? 僕はゴラオンって言ってー……」




「んー? なーんにもしてないよ? あの子達を泣き叫ばしたり、切り刻んだりするのが楽しそうだと思っただけさ」
「俺はあるぞ! 人の腕を噛み千切りやがって! あの小僧はズタズタにしなきゃ治まらねぇ!」

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The man who was once the strongestThis time a little cruel portrayal."Look at my opponent inbetween them! 」 I heard the story of Dragon's blood, talked the whole robe wearing was accompanied by two noble adventurers."Yes, just a moment, saw red dragon tattoo in the back of my hand""If it's true that emergency. Immediately send people to, to confirm. But why this is such a dangerous place? 」 Ville teacher start thinking the cause, my eyes closed, was to activate "search"."Ville teacher, yet there are reports. The teacher was watching the Gregorian. Earlier was found dead ""That's what... Dear Heavenly Father I lost all. The body is? 」"Yes, countless wounds as was played already recovered, but also there are parts missing, and""Is apparently murderous crime. Please keep buried carefully. Teacher teacher of Gregorian and watched it become so. Very fishy ""Hope is a personal opinion, but I was a guide he is. Not going to forgive intrusion to school otherwise, ""Yes, I hope so. Now a teacher of Gregorian. No, the Gregorian and reserve. At the same time into the labyrinth guard to send. The SIRIUS I... " ―――捉えた!「ヴィル先生!」「はい!? 何ですか?」「迷宮において最短で九階へ行けるルートはどこですか?」「確か……九番ですね。分かれ道も無くただ進むだけのルートですが、ゴーレムが山ほどー……シリウス君?」 距離はあったが、弟子達の魔力を頼りに『サーチ』すれば捉えるのに成功した。反応は迷宮のかなり下……おそらく九階辺りだ。 最短で向かうルートが聞ければ、後は何も問題はない。俺はヴィル先生の話を最後まで聞かず、途中である物を回収しつつ窓へと歩み寄った。「私は先に向かいますので、すぐに警備隊に連絡を。あと、これをお借りします」「シリウス君! ここは一階では――……」 背後から何か聞こえるが一切無視して窓から飛び出した。マグナ先生の職員室は建物の高さからして四階程だが、隣の屋根へ飛び移って徐々に下へ降りていく。途中『エアステップ』で足場を作りつつ、ようやく地面に降り立ち全力で駆け出した。 もはや俺に実力を隠すつもりなど無い。『ブースト』を発動させ、地面を抉る勢いで駆けて行く。 ものの数分で迷宮前へ着き、警備の人を飛び越えて九番と書かれた入口に飛び込んだ。背後で何か騒いでいたが無視だ。 Into the labyrinth, Golem appeared almost immediately, but just like security people jumping, rushing ahead. If only to clear from the Golem is slow-moving, ignoring the hesitating. While running I always activate the "search" and the disciples were capture. Disciples seem engaged with multiple magic reaction might be strange now, and so far seems safe. Do not know magic reaction must be examples of them. If you hear my voice when you are concentrated along the way let us "call" and wanted off guard they might be. To put up with it, just keep running. Rotunda in the "Magnum" magic lands on giant Golem so kicking the wall if hard to jump over, making the Golem long column and block the road, and to break through. 7 floors. Emilia on certain magic big stupor and stopped working. And progressively getting smaller is the magic of the lease. 8 floor. Reus magic swelled the immediately smaller had been in critical condition. 9 floors. 食rai付ite one response to reus and swung around. And was blown away, three turned into 1 chunks, had stopped working. At that time, at last, I was imminent across one wall. They stay behind that wall looks a little earlier. But miss the magic reaction to the disciples is fast, running along the walls. It is a break through the front. While the image instantly judge poised right hand while running, specialized penetration in armor-piercing rounds were blazing "Magnum". Walls are carried almost like a paper and draw a round cutout goes out of sight. And where the round circle. flying kick towards the wall. Responses without first verifying the responses seem to be enemies with magic flew the walls were kuri貫ka, approaching the disciples ran. Wolf ears of blonde. Gold Wolf tribe or something? No, it doesn't matter. This guy is Guy 食rai付ita reus and sinners treated his disciples."Underlings what?! 」 That's my line. You welcome. And what of my disciples. Fist came out to avoid, do turning kick is going to.「…… What is... When " There his disciples became battered, Retrospect. Emilia fell lease tinted pale face by magical exhaustion and reus was a prang. You can see had been caught up in here. レウス……お前は必死にエミリアとリースを守っていたんだな。「……よく耐えたぞ、レウス」「あにきぃ……」 昔のように涙を流すレウスに少し安堵すると、何かが飛んでくる反応を『サーチ』が捉えた。 岩の砲弾……『岩弾(ロックバレット)』か。数は三つだが、全て『インパクト』で迎撃し粉砕する。だがもう一つ大きいのが飛んできた。「よくもやりやがったなぁ!」 さっき蹴飛ばした奴か。異様に伸びた右の爪で斬りかかって来るが、脇が開きすぎて隙だらけだ。達人相手に挑んだ事の無い証拠だな。 その脇を左手で突き上げると相手の右腕は強引に止まり、その驚いた顔面目掛け右の拳を叩き込んだ。「邪魔をするな狼がぁっ!」 怒りを込めた拳により、相手の顔面から何か砕けるような感触がしたが、弟子達に比べたら些細な事だった。死ななければそれでいい。じゃないと……後悔させられないだろ? ……駄目だ、まだ早い。まずは弟子達の確認からだ。 頭を振るい、攻撃が無いのを確認してから倒れたレウスに近寄った。「シリウスさん! レウス君が私達を守る為に! それにエミリアが私を庇って!」「シリウス様……レウスを……」「ああ、わかっている」 二人を安心させるように笑いかけ、レウスの体に触れて『スキャン』を発動させる。 ……肋骨が数本ひび割れ、内臓と筋肉が傷ついている。岩の破片が転がっているので、内臓は先ほどの『岩弾(ロックバレット)』によるものだが、筋肉は違うようだ。変身して限界を超えた反動だろうか? どちらにしろ放っておくと危険だ。俺は再生活性を行いつつ、マグナ先生の職員室から借りてきた液体の詰った容器をリースに渡した。「あの、私なんかよりレウス君をお願いします!」「それを飲めば魔力の回復が速くなるぞ」「っ!?」 魔力とは人によって微妙に違うらしく、摂取すればすぐに回復するような物は存在しない。だが回復を促進させる物はあり、彼女に渡したのがそれだ。 俺の話を聞いてリースはすぐに飲み干すが、非常に苦い顔をしていた。「苦い……ですね。でもこれで」「素直な子は好きだよ。ちょっと失礼」 その間にリースの頭に触れて『スキャン』するが、彼女は魔力枯渇と軽い打ち身で済んでいるようだ。突然俺に触れられて、リースの頬が赤く染まる。「あの……シリウスさん?」「ああ、ごめんな。怪我の有無を調べてるだけなんだ。うん、リースが無事でよかったよ」"So much. I very helpful we, even now. Nothing is impossible ""The thing you can do is. Listen, injuries of reus is... " Lease was greedy about the heal. So I grounded her in understanding the medical knowledge of previous lives in her range. She knows body must know in the world relied on the cure of bone and muscle structure. Was at best she can concentrate treatment where you know where, so recovery is strong. Explains where to lease back the magic to get down as soon as the recovery instructions issued."Please leave it! 」 Lamented that the lease could not do anything, but thanks to her recovery is already without deteriorating the injuries of the two men. Will regain confidence as my thankful 10 minutes and then leave it to reus. Meanwhile are wary guys in "search", but somehow not doing anything so transferred to the following treatment."Waiting for a Emilia""Sirius as..." Click here to ask if might also, Emilia has something vaguely thin reaction. May have something abnormal in the brain, so to "scan" to run."Like SIRIUS. I'm sorry... Please ""I apologize for what? 庇tta lease are you? Reus, but you also worked with " Gently patted the cheeks, and she feels good soft was smiling. Isn't that much but she has severe bruises as a result of the diagnosis cause abnormal bone, they were healed by treatment of lease Oita. You don't see where potential rupture of a blood vessel or sequelae, mild concussion would be the thinness of this consciousness is examined carefully. Would recover if this remains rest in you. Leases are concentrated in the magical powers of recovery to worse, but you reported diagnosis of Emilia."Is it true?! Good... It was really good!... ""Cry. It's good ""I'm going to cry. If something happens to Emilia, Lady I'll regret don't you! 」"Hey, crying after the ask reus. From there things I do, ""Yes! 」 Recovered a little of what magic lease your reus treatment began. And I look into the faces of Emilia again, moving her trembling hands, has grabbed the hem of my."Hey, keep the rest.""But... Opponents are four people. Like SIRIUS. Per person in... "「あんな奴ら問題無い。すぐに終らせるから、少しだけ待っていなさい」「……はい」 エミリアの手をそっと外し、俺は着ていたローブを脱いで彼女に被せた。今日も迷宮に潜るつもりだったので、戦闘服を着ていて本当によかったと思う。武器は胸元に仕込んだミスリルナイフだけだが、奴ら相手には十分だ。 立ち上がり、数歩前に出て俺は弟子達に宣言する。「お前達には一瞬たりとも触れさせん。そこで見ていなさい」「シリウス様」「シリウスさん」「……兄貴」「今から見せるのは……本当の俺だからな。怖いと思ったら目を閉じていろ」 返事を聞く必要は無い。 俺は弟子達を背にし、前へと歩き出した。 奴らをはっきり視認できる位置まで進むと、狼の男は人族の男から治療を受けているようだった。 俺の存在に気付いた竜族と思われる男は、こちらに振り向いて人懐こそうな笑みを浮かべて俺を迎えてくれる。「おや、ようやく終ったのかな? 正直見ていて吐き気がしたから、何度襲おうか我慢するの大変だったんだよ? でも喜んだ後で絶望する表情って最高だから我慢したんだ」「……そうか」「それより見てよ。さっきの攻撃でアッシュの鼻が折れちゃったんだ。どうしてくれるの?」「……知らん」「そっか。ところで僕達が誰か知った上で話してるの? あっちの子達にはしたけど、自己紹介してあげようか? 僕はゴラオンって言ってー……」「名前なんかどうでもいい。お前らは鮮血のドラゴンだろ?」「知っていたかぁ……残念。じゃあさー……」「一つ質問があるんだが」 どうでもいい事をべらべら語るので、俺はシンプルに一つだけ問い質すことにする。 話を遮られて不快そうな顔をしたが、すぐに笑みを浮かべて俺を指差してきた。「人の話は最後まで聞こうよぉ。大人の僕だから許してあげないけど、質問には答えてあげようか。一体何かな?」「俺の弟子……後ろにいる子達なんだが、お前らに何かしたか?」 俺の質問に奴らは顔を見合わせ、狼を除き笑い出した。「んー? なーんにもしてないよ? あの子達を泣き叫ばしたり、切り刻んだりするのが楽しそうだと思っただけさ」「俺はあるぞ! 人の腕を噛み千切りやがって! あの小僧はズタズタにしなきゃ治まらねぇ!」「餓鬼の叫び声は格別だからな。一日一回聞かないと気が済まんわい」「良い声で鳴いてほしいと思っていますよ」 確認はとった。
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Once man was called the strongest
there is a little cruel depiction also this time.
"Seen!? It looked like the other party," I heard the story of the fresh blood of the dragon, was talk that the adventurers our systemic robe figure who had brought two nobles. "Yes, but only for a moment, red dragon tattoo on the back of the hand is now looked" It is a "state of emergency if it is true. If you do not check it immediately sent a person. However, guys such dangerous is why a place like this up to? " but Ville teacher start thinking the cause, I was allowed to trigger the "search" Close your eyes. "Ville teacher, there are still reported. Teacher who had watched the Gregory is discovered we were in ...... earlier corpse" and "I lost a yes or ...... regrettable personage. His body?" "Yes, I have already recovered but played with the kind of flaws are also countless, there is also a site lacking " "It is a killer seems to crime. Please leave politely burial. Even so very ...... and teacher who was watching the Gregory teacher becomes so suspicious "to the "is the personal opinion, but I have thought he was guidance. Otherwise, there is no going to forgive the intrusion to school" "Yeah, I also think so. immediately Gregory teacher The ...... No, please ensure Gregory. to simultaneously send the Guard to the labyrinth. Sirius kun ...... " --- was captured! "Ville teacher!" "Yes!? What?" "Where is the route to go to nine floor in the shortest in the labyrinth?" It is "certainly ...... nine number. Although it is only the root fork also just proceed without, Golem There mountain Hodo ...... Sirius kun? " the distance there was, was successful in relying on the disciples of magic to capture if "search". Reaction is pretty under ...... probably Kyu-kai Atari Labyrinth. You needed to hear the route towards a minimum, there is no problem nothing after. I will not listen to talk of Ville teacher until the end, and walked up to the window while recovering what is in the middle. "It is. I will head to the first, after the contact the Guard immediately, you can borrow this" "in the Sirius-kun here the first floor! - ..." window, ignoring all but hear something from behind I jumped out. Magna teacher of the staff room's about the fourth floor with the height of the building, but to go down to the bottom gradually moved jump to the next roof. While making a foothold in the middle of "air step", it was fledgling at best finally it landed on the ground. No longer there is no such intention hide the ability to me. It is allowed to trigger the "boost", to go over in the momentum gouging the ground. Arrive Previous labyrinth in a matter of minutes, and jumped into the inlet written with nine number to jump over human security. Although it's ignored was clamoring something behind. But it appeared immediately Golem after entering the labyrinth, to rush ahead and jump over in the same way as the people of security. Since the golem is slow movement, and should I proceed to ignore if only to clear. Even I was trigger the "search" at all times while running, had continued to capture the disciples. Disciples now, it seems to engage the mysterious multiple of magic reaction, now of the place seems safe. This is known not magic reaction is not the difference in guys of example. I thought to try to "call" on the way, it might become careless To hear my voice when you are concentrated. and regretful, but keep running earnestly to be patient. Golem and go is kicking difficult if the wall is that the jump to make a long column, if delle huge golem enough to close the road, and to break through Uchinuki the magic in "Magnum". Seven floor ...... Emilia has stuck is blown away significantly to the phrase magic reaction. And lease of magic gradually becomes smaller. Hachi-kai ...... Reus of magic has ballooned, but had become a dangerous state will immediately small. Nine floor ...... Reus is being brandished with Cry reaction of one person. And it is blown away, three people had been stuck Become a one lump. Finally it turned around that time, I was approaching to the wall one over there. He et al. Have on the other side of that wall that looks a little earlier. But towards the magic reaction approaching disciples fast, it is not too late if Hashire along the wall. 's Front breakthrough. Instantly determined, and poised the right hand while running, it was blazing "Magnum", while the image of the armor-piercing bullets that specializes in penetrating power. Walls and is penetrated almost like a paper, it will Uchinui so as to draw a circular tear line. And where the circle is round, it was beaten to kick fly towards the wall. Hollowed walls were flew to the magic reaction that seems to be the enemy, but ran into the reaction to approach the disciples without confirmation. Either would be something wolf ear ...... gold wolf group of blonde? No, what Even good. This guy is a guy Reus is attached shall eat, and it is a sinner who hurt the disciples. "The hell What!?" but here the words. Dickward what was what you Ya want to ...... my disciple. Avoid a fist that has been feeding, to pay the foot, I'll do Tatakikon a roundhouse kick. "...... Brother ...... ki" Looking back, there are disciples of the figure that became tattered. Emilia fell, lease dyed pale face by magic depletion, and Reus was having wounds all over one's body. It can be seen from a had captured much more to come here. Reus ...... it's you had defended desperately Emilia and lease. "I'll withstood ...... well, Reus" "Anikyi ......" When the old days a little relief in Reus to shed tears as, "search" has captured the reaction that something comes flying. Shell ...... "rock bullets (lock Barrett)" of rock or. Number but three, and were intercepted at all "impact" grinding. But it flew for another large. "I wonder you wanted How dare spear Ya!" guy or you have kicked a little while ago. Come nearing sword in unusually extended right of the nail, but it's full of opportunity too open side. It 's no evidence of being challenged to master opponent. If you push up the side with the left hand opponent of right arm stops to pushy, it Tatakikon the right fist aiming at the surprised face. "Wolf Na to interfere is A~tsu!" by the fist that was anger, was the feel like breaking something from the opponent's face, it was trivial thing when compared to the disciples. If you do not die and go with it. It will ...... not to regret that it is not 's? ...... It's useless, still early. First of all, I from the confirmation of the disciples. Sieve the head, I was approached to Reus which fell after confirming the attack that do not. "Sirius's! Reus kun in order to protect us! And Emilia is a bullet for me!" "...... Sirius like ...... Reus" "Oh, to have known" smiling as reassure the two people, Reus Touch the body is allowed to activate the "scan". ...... Ribs have been hurt several cracks, internal organs and muscles. Since the debris of rocks lying around, internal organs is something by the "rock bullets (lock Barrett)" of earlier, muscle seems different. Either would recoil you exceed the limit and transformed to? It's leave and danger anyway. I while performing regeneration activity, passed a container full of liquid that has been borrowed from the staff room of the Magna teacher to lease. "That will give me a Reus kun than me something!" "'ll magical power of recovery is faster If you take it," "Tsu!?" It seemed different subtly by people with magical power, to recover quickly if ingested such things do not exist. But there are those to promote the recovery, it's that gave her. Listen to my story leases drink immediately, but had a very bitter face. "It is bitter .... But now" "I like an obedient child. Excuse me," the meantime by touching the lease of the head "scan". However, she seems to be done in the magic depletion and light bruises . Suddenly touched to me, cheek of the lease is dyed red. "That ...... Sirius's?" "Oh, I just have investigated the presence or absence of sorry for. injury. Yeah, I'll lease was good unharmed" "without helps such ...... I something much, this also now ...... what it can not be "also there is "is you can do. mind you, but injuries of Reus, but ......" lease was greedy with regard to heal people. So I'm instilled in the range that you can understand the medical knowledge of previous life to her. Of bones and muscles, etc., the need no body of works that can be know by relying on recovery magic world she knows. Because location is know if the treatment site are focused to it is possible, and it was perfect for her recovery is good at. Describes the place to be fix to lease, magic has issued an instruction to begin as soon as recovery. "Please leave!" nothing that he could not lease are lamented, but she of two people injured by virtue of the recovery he live in without deterioration. To have enough grateful as I, you will regain the confidence and leave the Reus. Meanwhile it is also wary of guys in the "search", but it goes to the next treatment so why not come to anything. "For waiting was Na Emilia" "Sirius like ......" Emilia If you are a vaguely somewhere, thin reaction is even question from here. Something because abnormality is perhaps the brain to execute the "scan" to not move the body. and "Please ...... Sirius like ...... I'm sorry," "I apologize for what? you's it? also Reus wonder was a bullet for lease, but you also well really did" When I'll gently patted cheek, she lies down comfortably unlikely It had floated a soft smile. Results of the diagnostic, she is not so much cause abnormalities in but there is a severe bruises bone had healed Oita by treatment of them also lease. Thinness of this consciousness Rashiku mild concussion, I tried to carefully examine, but do not see likely places will rupture and sequelae of blood vessels. As long as this remains rest would recover. Although bad lease that is concentrated in the magic recovery, it should be reported the diagnosis of Emilia. "Is it true! Yo~o ...... was really good ...... was good," "not a good ...... may not cry" and "I have decided to cry. It's not regret a lifetime if there something a bullet for me to Emilia!" "You know, you cry in the after asking for Reus. I Do not because there are things that should not and do not do" "Yes!" a little Did recovered, lease began treatment of Reus and is allowed to practice magic. When I looked into again Emilia's face, she had grabbed my skirt by moving the trembling hand. "Hey, let at rest" and "you, but ...... opponent ...... in also ...... Sirius like ...... per person four people" , "it is not like that guys problem. It is because to immediately end, please waited just a little" "... ... Yes " Remove gently the hand of Emilia, I was covered in her take off the robe he was wearing. So also was going to dive into the Labyrinth today, I think that it was really good to wearing combat clothing. Weapons just Mithril knife that was charged to the chest, but it's enough for 'em opponent. The rise, to me out on a few steps before declaring to the disciples. "You guys can and do also let touching moment in. So look not let be" "Sirius-like" "Sirius's" "...... big brother" "Do not because I'm on ...... it true show from now. The eyes Once you scary as I thought In Iro "closed there is no need to hear the answer. I was disciples on the back, and walked to the front. Proceeding to a position where guys are clearly visible, a man of wolf seemed to be receiving treatment from man group. A man who seems to be dragon tribe noticed my presence, welcoming me and smiling Hitonatsuko likely smile and turned around here. "Oh, because we are nausea to watch finally I ended kana? Honest, I was put up because it is the best I look to despair after it was pleased even?'m Was hard to to put up or try to attack many times." " ...... I see, " I'll be "seen from it. I do Ash nose had broken in earlier attacks. How to me of?" "...... dunno" "along either. By the way you are talking about on that we knew someone Bruno? I was in over there of the children, the I or I'll introduce myself? over ...... "to say Goraon "good even if something name. You guys are probably Dragon of fresh blood?" I "knew huh ...... sorry. Well Is the over ...... " "but I have a one question" because if even tell that the nonstop talking good, I want to be inquire of smb. about smth. only one simple. Although is blocked to talk to an unpleasant look, it has me a pointing finger and smiling immediately a smile. "I do not forgive listen will Yo~o. Adult and because I until the last person in the story, or I'll answer the question. What the hell kana?" "It'm a child who you are behind my disciple ..., Did you do something to you guys? " guys is postponed the face to my question, I began to laugh except for the wolf. "Hmm? You can Nakisakeba the? Those kids and I do not have to do Na, it only Is the thought it was fun it is to Dari chopped" "I'm a gonna! person of arms chewing shredded and wants ! That boy does not fit unless you to shreds! " "Do not because screaming brat's exceptional. If you do not hear once a day mind Sumanwai" "We think you want singing in good voice by" confirmation was taken .

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
There are portrayed once known as the most powerful man at this time a little cruel. Which is at the other person!? " The blood of the dragon, I heard they were the adventures of his robe, which brought about. Yes, but only for a moment

「 hand is an emergency, I saw the Red Dragon Tattoo 」
「 if that is true. If you send someone to check immediately. However, such a dangerous place to why they like this? " You too wil start to think of the teacherI close my eyes and I '' to search engine.

「 Ville, there is still a teacher. The teacher watched Gregory... With... I was... I 」
「 found dead... He was lost to us. The body? " Yes,
「 already was collected, and played with countless scars, crime and defect sites seems to be 」
「 demon murder. Keep your burial.The teacher still spying on Mr. Gregory it down... In my opinion 」
「 very weird, but I was his guide. If that is not the case, the school is not going to allow penetration 」
「: Yes, I think so. Mr. Gregory... Now... No, get Gregory. Send to guard at the same time. Sirius you... " Stress -- understanding! In

「 teacher! "
「 yes!? What? ' At"Labyrinth in the shortest route in the ninth floor where go to?" Sure...
「... No. 9. There is no way to separate route but only, as in the mountain... Sirius you? " The distance too, but it was successful to disciples' magic 'on their search. The bottom of the labyrinth reaction... Probably around nine floors. If at the shortest route more, no problem. I hear the teacher talk in theOn the way up to the window being recovered. I

「 face before, immediately on guard. After this, you 」
「 Sirius borrowed! This is the first floor -- " Out of the window, all ignore some sounds from behind too. But Magna teacher staff room as the fourth floor from the height of the building, the roof jumped to the next is gradually going down to the bottom. "On the way" to make the air in the scaffold, and finally run out off the ground. At
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