最初に、その騒動に気がついたのはシアだった。「あれ? ハジメさん、あれって……何か襲われてません?」 例のごとく、ハジメが車内でユエとイチャ terjemahan - 最初に、その騒動に気がついたのはシアだった。「あれ? ハジメさん、あれって……何か襲われてません?」 例のごとく、ハジメが車内でユエとイチャ Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

最初に、その騒動に気がついたのはシアだった。「あれ? ハジメさん、あれ


「あれ? ハジメさん、あれって……何か襲われてません?」







「ハジメくん、お願い! 彼等を助けて! もしかしたら、あそこに……」





「あ、あの、ハジメくん? まさかと思うけど……」

香織が、刻一刻と速度を上げる四輪に頬を引き攣らせる。確かに、救援を頼んだのは自分なのだけれど、地球の交通常識を知る者として、その方法での先制攻撃を躊躇いなく実行するのはどうなんだろう? と、そう思わずにはいられなかったのだ。


「習わないよ! 勝手に交通ルールを歪めないで! ほら、ユエ達がそうなのかって頷いてるよ!」

香織のツッコミが炸裂する中、ハジメはそれを気にした様子もなく、後方から賊達の指揮をとっている男へと突進した。その躊躇いの無さは、自動車とは犯罪者を轢殺するためにある! と言わんばかりだ。



ドゴォ! バキッ! グシャ!










「このクソアマァ! 死ねぇ!」



ドパンッ! ドパンッ! ドパンッ! ドパンッ! ドパンッ! ドパンッ!



シアは、“宝物庫”からドリュッケンを斜め後ろの虚空に取り出すと、パシッ! と小気味いい音を立てて握り締め、そのまま一気に振り抜いた。振るわれたドリュッケンは、先端に円状の白い膜――空気の壁を発生させながら振り抜かれ、一斉に迫ってきた三人の賊達の上半身を引きちぎって吹き飛ばしてしまった。

「あれっ? わっ、血飛沫がっ!」








「リリィ! やっぱり、リリィなのね? あの結界、見覚えが有ると思ったの。まさか、こんなところにいるとは思わなかったから、半信半疑だったのだけど……」





「リリィ? それはどういう……」




香織とリリアーナが真剣な表情で見つめ合っていると、いつの間にか傍までやって来ていたハジメが、そう声をかけた。全く気配がなかったので、「ひゃ!」と可愛らしい声を上げて驚くリリアーナ。そして、フードの中からハジメを見上げて、暫く考える素振りを見せると、ピコン! と頭に電球が灯ったような表情をしてハジメに挨拶を始めた。

「……南雲さん……ですね? お久しぶりです。雫達から貴方の生存は聞いていました。貴方の生き抜く強さに心から敬意を。本当によかった。……貴方がいない間の香織は見ていられませんでしたよ?」
「もうっ、リリィ! 今は、そんな事いいでしょ!」
「ふふ、香織の一大告白の話も雫から聞いていますよ? あとで詳しく聞かせて下さいね?」




Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Noticed the commotion, the theater was."Let there be? , That is. Something not being attacked? 」 As usual, Hajime in Yue and flirted with the fit, it threatened wears a hannya Kaori divided into power, wearing snow and Thunder Dragon, Hajime had not seen before the most dangerous driving is theater of verbally finally turned their attention forward. Shea's says, apparently somewhere of a caravan has been attacked as a relative to (d) were repeated violent combination of offense and defense. Approached, in the theater she heard and the screams of people's "portrait" seen things more clearly balanced."A person's like a pirate. …… The small dirty-looking man who was about 40 people. For the caravan escort where 15 people. Dude that is rivaled by those forces that I have.「…… That barrier is in people."Hmm, I like the role of walls with. And 崩sann that can't close to Castle Caravan. Magic shot over the border, the pirates also until jaran jaran would."But I'm not abating at all? 」"Well, if we're such caravan cover the different world class, it will not endure long. Somewhat time consuming, but wait, if they can be solved. At first surprise was going. Person, who was seriously injured, but several people, already in killing the pirates were as there are few people who drowned in a sea of blood. It's by strong barriers as Hajime were somehow holding up all right that's enough difference between the number of people there to escort side to further reduce the number is. Will be 嬲ri殺shi should unlink the field. The show already stripped naked in the barrier, fellow adventurer and adventurous female was being pilloried. And guess's as Hajime's conversation is interrupted shortly after the barrier effect losing melts so disappeared into nothingness. They raised a shout and was waiting to say, broke into the caravan. The smiling pirate's head is already in booty full of a uniform. Escort squadron that fought back desperately, but we're outgunned. One also one person injured fell down. And voices her irritation was stiff in the face at that time, what was very surprised as Kaori Hajime seeking relief."Rydeen-Kun, please! They help! Maybe, over there... " Meet showed in the form of not hear word of Kaori, Hajime is in silence, to accelerate the automotive. So obvious it doesn't help for help, talk out of decision to annihilate caravans Kaori, what you want to say is that back burner. Automobile wheels biting garrigarrigali from the ground, but the rocket accelerates with vengeance to the."Rydeen-Kun. Thank you " Hajime, Kaori is not until everyone at least showed us in action, very happy smiled and said thank you. Only that a Hajime but frivolously shoulder. Running on four wheels or what Hajime as inferred, belt and hurried Yue get caught somewhere in the car."Oh, that a Hajime-Kun? Believe it or not and I think... " 引ki攣ra to cheek to four-wheel speed up from moment to moment, Kaori. Like indeed, asked for relief, but I know the traffic sense of the Earth as a faltering strike in a way not to do it? And it couldn't do so involuntarily. So Kaori, Hajime answered with a clear face."Stomping the accelerator if you look at the criminals. Are you learn driving? 」"You learn! Organisers the traffic rules without permission! Hey, Yue who likes what I'm nodding.! 」 To the man who has taken command of the pirates were from the rear while Kaori tsukkomi is the rydeen does it seem to not rushed. In order to 轢殺 criminals and cars is the lack of that hesitation. To say that. Which seems to be the leader of the pirates rolled up dust and come closer to the mystery object, finally realized the person hastily out instructions to the fellow while voluntarily began the spell being cast. From them, I'm sure looking new demons or something like that? You would not even think steel believe it or not, people are working in. Hajime is infused with magic, operated the gimmick of the automobile. Blade length 1 meter out from the roof and the sides of the hood at the bottom. Come fire flaming bullets they are but anyway don't mean anything because like I and ignore the hedge. Rushing to not feel pain and itch even firebombs hit what black mass, big distorted faces of the pirate.Dogoo! Baked! Was Squish! Horror, despair and embarrassment--its vivid expression, so they sound like knocked off it. Roll while on the hood, roof blade ripped to shreds, also, jumped tried to avoid what both sides of the blades a cut is being blown away, huge advance at 80 km/h and good luck to the blade didn't hit the target vehicle in shattered bones and internal organs. I reached only for a moment, crossing it just to death seven people behind groups of pirates. And pestle backmarkers of Hajime, where drift a little body flip and stop you. Suddenly slaughter plays a pirate is a member of the caravan stunned stares at four-wheeled ride of Hajime, stunned. The pirates who have opted out face in a close contest, leave and escort. To check while you directed his gaze to the Kaori is Hajime, in spite that they opened her mouth."Since I'm resentful. They can kill. Compassion is not. I know that? 」「…… yes. I know " Say to 庇ttari, and the those who stand against it, no matter how gentle, Kaori, also will not allow that. If you want it, Kaori feel compelled by Hajime's Companion. Braves party was the place to go. With eyes that Kaori is a speed bump, and resolutely Hajime nodded."If you go. Will not try to interfere."Yes! 」 Kaori off vehicles and absorbed the first ran to the injured person. Headed for mini I was astounded, but a young woman, and they back me, comrades killed was shouted to run distorted the face in anger while Kaori."This kusoamaa! Die?! 」 Long airfield, while pirate guy has to be. But I averted my gaze so that Kaori is that pirate guy glance sideways at nothing. And vigilant speed runs and chanting to the injured man. Let me 爆ze head in the next moment was explosive even to look like yourself to the teeth do not Kaori, and unceremoniously closed its entire life.Doping! Doping! Doping! Doping! Doping! Doping! Murderous wind blows continuously around the explosive sound, thundering every time. And the one who also 粟立tta escort who should have been saved at the sight and crush the head of the blood droplets to the spine. Too overwhelming, too harsh. They had more than 40 people, only had half reduced number in a few seconds. Use in hostage while dispersing raised, number of people pirate cause panic to the surreal sight of rabbit people girl will jump. One of the escorts ' dangerous!! "And raise the warning voice. However, it's a useless worries. Superman is coming along here in the theater, he recalls. Battle Bunny no pitfalls ahead! Shea, and "Treasury" out into the void behind dolycken terrace! With a pleasant sound, pulled swing to leave. Dolycken interlock Swing Tip white membrane of the circular--raise walls of air while pirates were overtaken and fell in unison three upper beaks, I blow it off."Let there be!? I was, blood splashes cum! 」 Because it did not apparently, relative and a decent foe recently, seems to be well did not control for the small fry characters. Going but we have only had inadvertently upper body only in tear has it seems. A Criminalist do daruma otoshi (irregular Ver). 退ru fly so panicked by the splattering blood droplets shear. So much Theater in stunned, to forgive even closer in the TIO also inexorable magic storm, while Yue was trampled they. The rest could come true thing, finally fled into about 10 pirates who had never been unceremoniously shot, was death. Don't have time to be spared. It was really no piece of relentless violation play. Kaori using continuous light of cure for more than one person "kaiten", healing people hurt at once adventurers and caravans. But adventurers escort had fallen before Hajime who unfortunately, is already, were 事切rete playing magic in even to the resuscitation of the dead so they couldn't help. Kaori to 歯噛mi, so they look at the suddenly empty and fiercely rushed over. Petite and wearing a hood pulled in and at first glance, suspicious. However, without stop especially Hajime is because it was verified in the flow of magic and color, trying to protect the Caravan had actually put the barrier earlier in the person and that pass by."Kaori! 」 Hood who is intact in the momentum 飛bi付ki Kaori, Kaori's name calling with a lovely voice and threw her arms around. At seemed know surprise and Kaori is hit I guess, murmur the name of that person.' Lily! It's Lily's? The thought is that the familiar. Believe it or not, like I was dubious from the thought that... " Hood called Lily and Kaori opponents, it is― ― ― ― Heilig Kingdom Princess Lilian, S & B, Heilig It was a person. Liliana is genuinely relieved the hug blonde blue eyes glittering from the back of the hood off and its beauty. And muttered while staring at Kaori in the squinted eyes to as cilium."I also like BTW seeing Kaori and I did not. …… It is luck. My luck is still out, it seems not."Lily? What is it... " Kaori to be uncertain meaning of Liliana and Lilian is now while at noticed something and pulled his back. And Kaori's mouth on your index finger so it does not call my name. Apparently, really without a companion, crept into the Caravan's come all the way here. Kaori inferred was something 1 Princess must face was steep.See Kaori, treatment is done? 」 Hajime are staring at serious Kaori, and Lillian, and before I knew it came until the so called. Because there was no sign "my cat! "As Lillian lovely voice, amazing. And ova from the hood up the Hajime, think for a while, and picong! And look like a lit light bulb head, started greeting Hajime.「…… Nagumo's. Doesn't it? Long time no see. Your survival was listening from the drop. On the strength of your surviving sincerely respect. It was really good. …… Did you are Kaori is not seen? 」See more cum, Lily! Now I can do such a thing! 」"I also heard the story of a great confession of the HA-HA, Kaori from shizuku? Tell me more about later? 」 Liliana Kaori and frolic in a tone like kids anywhere, Kaori becomes red, embarrassed, smiled to Hajime from the back of the hood. Princess boasting great popularity from the public smile. Doubt if it addressed again, young and old alike, and taoranting makes lovely thing. But Hajime saw it was something particularly well, a rather fishy shot those words look towards Liliana do not read the air.「…… What I mean, who am I? 」"To cum? 」 For other students, Liliana always several times himself going to talk about, and Hajime were still in the Kingdom from Liliana and Kaori, who actively had been communicating with. Many times because it was more subtle, certainly in the position that a Hajime, Liliana said directly, but not it's incense
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

First, it was Shea was it that I noticed in the uproar. "That? Hajime, not attacked by something ...... I there?" As always, Hajime month Yue and Icha in the car, besides fragrance enters divided, and now wears the snow and ice in power up wisdom and mutually threatening dragon which wears the lightning was, the results, including who was the dangerous driving that does not look at the most before, toward the finally attention to the front in terms of shear. As says Shea, it seems to have apparently been attacked is somewhere in the caravan, two opposite set of population had been repeatedly violent offense and defense. and approaches as the, hear the roar and the screams of people in Usamimi shear, was could see the details of the "far vision" also clearly the situation at the beginning. "Opponent is a Wow are you antagonistic on whether. That strength difference at me like I Na. ... Kogitana not looking the man about forty people ...... caravan of escort for the fifteen people thief " "N ..., that Kekkaishi medium-people" "Hmm, just like Na 's role in the walls. It does can be close to the caravan of when does disturb the any main enclosure. is shot in the magic Kekkaishi over, will Jaro does bandits also accumulate" " But, at all draw I do not look? " "Oh yeah, Barrier, such as to cover the entire Anna caravan, even in the different world of sets Nakeryaa, so long will not hold. Although somewhat time consuming, can be solved without permission and if you wait " It is probably the first was also in the surprise attack. Crouch person several people and seriously injured, some few people who you are sunk already in a sea of blood seems to have been done to the thief. It seems that somehow withstood the strong Barrier Introduction us says, but even though there is a number of people difference even for free, he escort side is further reducing the number. Barrier is it will be in the death of a thousand cuts if Tokere. Such as adventurer looked like women, I had been to expose who is already so show off to adventure fellow who is in is peeled to naked Kekkaishi. And guess as the beginning, immediately after Hajime our conversation is interrupted, Kekkaishi had disappeared into thin air to melt loses its potency. As much as to say that it was waiting, burglar who raised the cry is ran into to the caravan. Among the burglar our head is already smiling and full of whether uniformly vulgar smile in loot. Although escort team to fight back desperately, vastly outnumbered. Go fallen wounded and one person also one person. If, at that time, something terribly surprised scent, such has been solidified in the expression so that, asked for relief to begin with vocal that was blurred the impatience. "Hajime-kun, please! When they a help! Possibly, ... over there," the beginning, not even hear the words of Kaori to the last, was Mise response in the form of accelerating the four-wheel in silence. Since that caravan is wiped out within that the decision is of no help help to hear the story death was obvious, aroma what you want to say it's the fact that later. The wheels of the four-wheel chewed the ground and Galli Galli Galli, to accelerate with a vengeance, as if it were also a rocket injection. "Hajime-kun ...... thank you" Kaori is, at the beginning he has shown in action even without listening to everyone, was thanked with a smile and happily. Hajime just shrug only. In four-wheel to Bakuso it seems Meng sash what to do, Yue you are in a hurry to re-belt, was caught somewhere in the car. "Oh, that, ... and I think Hajime-kun? Surely the" scent, twitch the cheek to four-wheel to increase the moment to moment and speed. Certainly, but the asked for relief is's a myself, as a person to know the Earth of traffic common sense, and I wonder if that is it to run without hesitation the first strike in its way? When, and I could not help but think so. In such Kaori, Hajime answered in clear face. "It will be learn in ...... driving school stomping the accelerator if you look at the criminals?" and "Do not distort the teach them grammar not yo! arbitrarily traffic rules! You know, Yue us yo! have nodded me whether this is so" to burst Kaori of tsukkomi Among initially without any state in which to care about it, I was rushed from the rear to the man who has taken a burglar our command. Lack of the hesitation, the car there in order to Rekisatsu criminals! It's just not said. The object of mystery you are hoisting the dust come rapidly approaching, finally noticed leader Rashiki person of burglars, while instructs the fellow in a hurry, also began chanting of magic themselves. From them, it would be to be seen in something surely or newcomer of monsters. No way, and Mai think dream and the mass of steel a person operation. Initially, was operated four-wheel gimmick is poured magic. Both sides and the blade of about one meters length from the roof of the lower bonnet pops out. Although thief who comes release Bukkake the flame bullets, because anyway not mean anything, it was questions and answers unnecessarily assault, ignoring Marutto. Also fire bullets and hit what shots, a black mass coming to rush without feeling any Tsuyo, burglar our facial expression is distorted grand. Dogo~o! Baki~tsu! Fool! Horror, despair, embarrassment - bandits who floated such a facial expression, we are knocked off as a joke while sounded a fresh sound. A person is torn up in the rolling in will of roof blade while riding on the hood, or a person is blown off the part of the body on both sides of the blade of those that attempted to avoid the Yokottobi, did not hit the luck blade A person who was also crushed the bones and internal organs in the body per vehicle to爆進at eighty kilometers per hour. Only for a moment, it only pirates backward population at the intersection of has led to seven people to death. Initially, when the kill by running over the backward population of bandits, stops to reverse the vehicle body to drift slightly in the first. The sudden slaughter play, thief and I was staring at a four-wheel ride of Hajime us as also stunned stunned members of the caravan. To, hold a group of close competitors, some bandits and escort that postponed the face in. Casting skeptical gazes at such a they at first I opened my mouth to check while directing the line of sight to Kaori. "Do not forgive now that do. guys will be exterminated. no mercy Nante thing. Do not? I know." "Yeah .... I'll know" it, or how much fragrance gentle is, a bullet you can heal and hostile to the person who While it's the fact that not allowed to. If you want it, the scent will not be the stomach with fellow Meng. When you should go'm brave party. Kaori, when put one breath, nodded to begin with and the look and resolute. and "If, to go. hindrance not allowed to" "Yeah!" Kaori is Wakime also without shaking When you get off the four-wheel, ran first to the injuries of the original. Although the four-wheel was amazed, when seen as a young woman that came toward, bandits who regains me, was attacked in Kaori which runs while distorting the look with anger that was done a fellow. "This Kusoama~a! Death Hey!" while raising the angry voice, man of the thief is cock a long sword with the hand. But Kaori was averted gaze just by glance sideways a man of such pirates as if nothing had happened. Then, to run while chanting to the original injured people can not loosen the speed. Although such himself a was a man that was further frenzied aroma of a state that does not also subjected to a tooth, the next moment let me popping the head, was closed frankly the curtain of his life. Dopan~tsu! Dopan~tsu! Dopan~tsu! Dopan~tsu! Dopan~tsu! Dopan~tsu! Each time you thunderous explosion sounds continuously around, murderous wind swept. One person also and one person, the head of the thief is in sight of blood splash go dancing is ground, spine that would escort people who have been saved had Awada~tsu. Too overwhelming, too ruthless. Forty or more people have been bandits who are, had to reduce the number to half in just a few seconds. Several burglars, causing a panic in the non-realistic scene, go jumped to one of the rabbit people group girl named attempts to use even in hostage while scattered screaming. One of the escort is raise the voice of warning to be "dangerous Tsu!". But, it's useless worry. After all, here to yl's a shear that superhuman reduction is progressing steadily. There is no blind spot to combat rabbit! Shea, when removed from the "treasure" in the Void of diagonally behind the Doryukken, Pashi~tsu! And clenched to make a sentiment good sound, it was pulled swing at once as it is. Doryukken that was wielded, the circular white film on the tip - it is carefully swing while generating a wall of air, had blown off by torn off the burglar our upper body of three people who have approached all at once. "Uh-oh? Wow, blood splash wants!" Apparently, recently, probably because you did not come to a decent enemy and relative, apparently acceleration for small fish character did not work out. Just to was going to just burn up, it seems to have accidentally torn off in the upper body only momentum. do I is like a drop Dharma should not (Ex Ver). surprised to the splattering blood splash, shea to Sisal fly as panic. While the face is amazed to such shear, it began to overrun the bandits us to not even allowed to approach a magic storm Huet and Tio also relentless. It was a thief who enters the relief finally to become as much as ten men remaining, without even going to do that come true, it began to quickly shot through is to death. There is no time to be a Inochigoi. Really it was not even trampled drama pieces of pardon. Kaori is continuously using an optical system recovery magic "Rotate" for multiple people, continue to healing the people of a stretch wounded Adventurers and caravans. Unfortunately, adventurers our escort who had fallen before Hajime we come, it seemed already Koto-gire, were not they able to help because not be much to resuscitation of even the dead A reproduction magic . Aroma to Hagami to see such it, suddenly, figure was rushed fiercely. Petite Mabuka to you is wearing a hood, terribly suspicious at first glance. But, in fact, when that had kept the caravan desperately to Put the previous ward is the person, so was already confirmed by magic flow and color initially it was allowed to pass through without even stopping in particular. "Kaori!" hood of a person, was directly in the momentum and jumped to Kaori, I clung tightly while calling the name of Kaori in a pretty voice. Kaori is a state that does not hide his astonishment to know a rainy day guess had been hit, muttering the name of the person. "Lily! After all, it was thought that I No of Lily? Ano Barrier, look familiar there. No way, because I did not think you and are in such a place, it he was skeptical ......" fragrance food that he called Lily opponent, It is, ---- Heilig kingdom princess Ririana · S · B · Heilig was that person. Ririana is a situation that was genuinely relieved, it was from the back of the displaced hood look into its good looks and sparkling blonde blue eyes. And I muttered while staring at the smell and feel something so narrowed eyes. "I also, a place like this I did not think that it is a meet in aroma is. ... Good fortune. It seems my luck also not be exhausted still" "Lily? It is what ......" the meaning scent of words of Ririana When I could measure, Ririana was again suffer the hood to Mabuka in the state in which noticed something and hash in while at this late hour. Then, place your index finger in the mouth of Kaori, it was so not called your name. Apparently, really attendant also put not, it seems to have come so far slipped to caravan. expression of scent one country princess has guessed and he was there is something that must be so became steep. "Kaori, or treatment is over?" When the aroma and Ririana have each other staring at serious look, Meng it had imperceptibly come to buckwheat, multiplied by the total voice. Because all there was no sign, Ririana surprised by raising the lovely voice as "Hya!". Then, looking up at the beginning from the hood, and it shows a practice swing to think for a while, Picon! It began greeting the beginning by a like a light bulb in my head was Tomo~tsu expression and. "It is ...... Nagumo's ...? Long time no see. Your survival from the drop we are had been heard. It is not seen Kaori during your strength to respect sincerely to survive. Was really good. ... You're not You are not Could I? " "Tsu anymore, Lily! now, such is it good idea!" "Hehe, I let it in detail later heard? I have heard from also drop talk of big confession of Kaori?" Ririana that playing with Kaori somewhere teasing tone of voice was smiling from the back of the hood sideways fragrance to become red and embarrassed at the beginning. Smile of the princess, which boasts enormous popularity from the public. If once directed it, it's something pretty reminiscent and no doubt be the young and old of distinction without Tozen. However, Hajime who viewed it, there is no state in particular felt something, he has put his words that do not read the air is rather towards uronic a look to Ririana. "I mean ..., you Who?" "heh?" Meng Ririana and smell us from time was still kingdom Nii is to was taking actively communication, Ririana always number even for other students times have done to their own story. Indeed, because Hajime was a position manner subtle, the number of times that you talk directly with Ririana is so not many, but still, incense

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