「さあ行こうか」「えっと……ここからですか?」「当然だ。ほら、しっかり捕まっているんだよ」 この高さから飛ぶなんて怖いと思っていましたが、シ terjemahan - 「さあ行こうか」「えっと……ここからですか?」「当然だ。ほら、しっかり捕まっているんだよ」 この高さから飛ぶなんて怖いと思っていましたが、シ Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



この高さから飛ぶなんて怖いと思っていましたが、シリウスさんに抱き抱えられてどうでもよくなりました。クーラ様に引き寄せられた時には嫌悪感しかなかったのに、シリウスさんだと安心する。何でだろう? シリウスさんの匂いとか雰囲気からなのかな。





「え? うん、わかった」










「し、シリウスさん!? わ、私達、空を飛んで!?」


「この先に湖があるだろう? このまま真っ直ぐ飛んで湖を横断するんだ」



そんな幻想的な光景の中、ふとシリウスさんの仮面が目に映りました。変装の為に付けているみたいだけど、外さないのかな? 前とか見え辛いだろうし、何より私自身がシリウスさんの顔が見たかった。

「ん? ああ。ここまで来れば大丈夫だろう。ちょっと手が離せないから頼むよ」













Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
"Come on Let's go""Er and... Is it from here? 」"Rightly so. I'm here, stuck firmly " Is that a hug to SIRIUS was afraid of flying from this height I thought, what better now. Sometimes attracted to the Kula there were disgust, Sirius, and rest assured. How come? Sirius's smell and atmosphere of wonder. Twining "string" in the body of my Sirius and adhesion further increased in the moment. We rushed into the sky."My boobs! 」 "String" stretched along we will slip air. The warm feel of the wind in the face involuntarily scream leak it will close I was stabilizing. Keep sliding air intact, but of course ending. I don't know is how much speed coming out, but we were so hit trees would have "string"."Sirius, the trees! 」"I know. A biting tongue. " SIRIUS do what I thought I was is still falling from a good height, hands off the hook. If you felt a floating sensation feel in my body involuntarily close eyes and light 2 times more impact we had stood on the ground. Soon Emilia fell from the sky while I'm not sure because I make a cushion in water, but was stopped at Sirius. Wind blows the slow fall of Emilia, finally, softly landed on the ground. Emilia was the wind magic was good. Followed by reus has fallen, but grabbing the Middle branches he whirled around, kicking branch and kill velocity, finally to the ground and landed on brilliant. There is still great physical abilities. Apart from SIRIUS, but sorry to say, look at Castle, just until tiny balconies were standing. I can escape so quickly it was completely surrounded."Spits out two large 'Aqua' lease, I'm sorry? 」"Eh? Yep, found " Identify the head, I make two big water ball in the air, and two of them stuck their head is. Then suddenly took off and returned to the silver-haired and two black clothing was clean hair. Was momentarily surprised, is throw the maid clothes and clothes took off in holes in the ground opened Sirius's magic, dressed in plain clothes always beneath the tail."That... Who is this? 」"It's evidence. Blocking the hole after the end " Let me start the magic again, plug the hole, there is nothing returned to no such ground. Erase the traces of magic branches, we stand side by side, looked at Sirius's."Like to guard continues while strategies yet. And you know where? 」"It is okay. Think in the eastbound going ""I go back and check."OK, it then shall we go?" I, three people continue to talk about. I'm confused approached gently Emilia left the muttering words into my ear."Emilia. Now what does that mean? 」"It means exactly that. It then later also met. "See also lease my sister " Emilia and reus laughed, waving and running toward the Interior of the forest was "now out of sight during the. I had been picked up, and my left turn Sirius's gaze suddenly turned arms in the back and behind the knees. This is shape the arms Prince Princess was on the books, pose known as Princess hug and said. Posing had stole the Princess in the story the little Prince, had actually secretly admired. Embarrassing, but... I'm really happy.「お姫様を攫うならこう抱くのがマナーかと思うんだが、どう思う?」「その……悪くないです」「それは良かった。今から飛ぶから、怖かったら目を瞑っているんだよ」 シリウスさんは私を抱えたままジャンプします。すぐに落下する筈なのに彼は空中を蹴って更に飛び上がり、私達はあっという間に木々より高い位置まで来て空を飛び続けました。「し、シリウスさん!? わ、私達、空を飛んで!?」「これも俺の魔法だよ。空中に足場を作り、それを蹴って飛んでいるだけさ」 蹴っているだけって……こんなの信じられない。さっきの空を滑った時はよくわからなかったけど、今ははっきりとわかる。私は空を飛んでいるんだ。 いつもの私なら恐怖で目を閉じてたかもしれない。だけど今はシリウスさんに抱かれているせいかちっとも怖くなかった。「私達はどこへ向かっているんですか?」「この先に湖があるだろう? このまま真っ直ぐ飛んで湖を横断するんだ」 シリウスさんの説明通り、少し経つと湖が見えてきました。そのまま湖の上を飛び続けると、私達の前に幻想的な光景が目に飛び込んできたのです。 今日は風が弱いせいか湖の水面は鏡のように夜空を反射していて、上空と湖に月が二つあるように見えたのです。「わあ……凄い」「ああ、これも自然が起こす神秘だな」 そんな幻想的な光景の中、ふとシリウスさんの仮面が目に映りました。変装の為に付けているみたいだけど、外さないのかな? 前とか見え辛いだろうし、何より私自身がシリウスさんの顔が見たかった。「シリウスさん、仮面を外していいですか?」「ん? ああ。ここまで来れば大丈夫だろう。ちょっと手が離せないから頼むよ」 私が邪魔しないように仮面を外すと、いつも見ているシリウスさんの顔が現れます。そして私に視線を向け、にこりと笑いました。「ありがとうな」 その瞬間……私の心臓が大きく跳ねました。 体中が熱くなり、心臓が壊れそうなほどに激しく動き出したのです。 今まで似た事が何回かあったけど、今度のは全く違う。 シリウスさんの顔を見ていると苦しいのに、目を逸らす事が出来ない。 これって私がシリウスさんの事を? でも駄目だ。シリウスさんにはエミリアがいるし、それに私はシリウスさんを頼り甲斐のある父様みたいだと思っているだけだ。 ウエディングドレスを着て、お姫様抱っこで運ばれて、物語で見た憧れの状況に舞い上がっているだけなんです。 きっとこの気持ちも、尊敬する父様のような人と触れ合えて嬉しいだけ。 そう思い込もうとした時、先ほど耳元で呟かれたエミリアの言葉を思い出しました。『自分の気持ちは素直にね』 ……エミリアは……それで良いの? 良い……んだよね? じゃなきゃ……そんな事言わないよね? 私の素直な気持ち……。 父様としてじゃなく、一人の男の子として……。 シリウスさんの事が……好きなんだ。
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
"Now either go"
"Well ...... do from here?"
and "It's of course. You know, I'll'm stuck firmly," but I thought that it scared Nante fly from this height, you are faced holding in Sirius's It became well even if Te. Even though there was only disgust when it was drawn to the cooler like, rest assured that it is Sirius's. It would be what? I wonder if such of from Sirius's smell Toka atmosphere. My body also wraps the "string", the moment ...... us that Sirius's and degree of adhesion has increased more has jumped to the sky. "Hit!?" us along the "string" that is stretched will slip through the air. Will likely leak scream is not likely to wind pressure falls face, but warmth you feel from close contact with the body gave me to stabilize me. We will continue slipping as it is in the air, but there is of course the end point. I do not know how much speed is out, but we seemed to hit a tree which would have signed a "string". "Sirius's, the tree is!" "know that is. I'll Na bite the tongue" Sirius's what you wanted to release the hand from the hook, I was dropped from the still quite a height. When you close your eyes do not seem to floating feeling you feel in the body, we If you think I felt about two times lighter shock had landed on the ground. While you do not know why, but I tried to make a cushion with water magic so soon Emilia have fallen from the sky, it was stopped by Sirius's. Then strong wind is brewing slows falling speed of Emilia, in the end I was landing on the ground softly. It was so, Emilia I think was good at wind magic. Then Reus but has fallen, he or turning round and round and grabbed a branch in the middle, to kill the falling speed by kicking the branches, the last was brilliant landing to the ground in. It is still amazing physical ability. If it is regret, but by pointing your eyes to the castle away from Sirius's, you can see the very small balcony stood up earlier. The Nante can escape this immediately but have been completely surrounded. "Lease, large" spits out two Aqua? "And I'm sorry." "What? Yeah, it found was" When I make two balls of the big water in the air, two people were washed out his head with his head I. Then two of the black hair is back to silver-haired, and had wiped the hair suddenly took off clothes. Although I was surprised for a moment, if you are wearing the usual plain clothes under the maid and tailcoat, Sirius's will not throw the clothes you took off the hole in the ground, which opened in magic. "That ...... This is hell?" "It's a destruction of evidence. After I finish closes the hole" if allowed again to start the magic Fusage the hole is, there came back to the ground like nothing was not. To erase the traces of magic in the branches, Sirius's saw us standing side by side. "Still strategy is'll Na to guard because ongoing. Confluence place in which Na? Grasp" and "It's okay. I think whether you Mukao in the east around" "I'll go with rear-view" "Beauty, Well then line This one " three people to put I will continue to advance the story. Me approached Emilia is gently you are confused, was away muttered a word in my ear. "Emilia ...... now to mean?" "I as of meaning. Well then, also meet you later" "or lease sister" and waved while Emilia and Reus is laughter, and start running toward the back of the forest quickly figure is I became invisible. When the remaining I direct a line of sight to Sirius's, had I been lift up it is suddenly turn the arm to the back and the back knee. This, dressed the princess that has been listed in the book were lift up to the prince, it's pause, which is said to be known as princess hug. In pose prince of kidnapping the princess in the story had, in fact I was longing secretly. Very happy ...... Though embarrassing. "Although I think whether manners that embrace incense if kidnap the princess, What do you think?" "That ...... is not bad." "It was good. It is because fly from now, and I'm Shutting Tara scared eyes," Sirius's It will jump remains troubled me. He is, but it should fall immediately further jumping up and kicking the air, we went on to fly to come quickly to a position higher than the trees. "Death, Sirius san!? I, us, flying in the sky!?" "I this also but my magic. to make a foothold in the air, only Is the flying kicking it," and I just kicking ...... this of you do not believe it. And I did not know well when you have slipped a little while ago of the sky, is now clearly can be seen. I'm flying in the sky. Usual and might have to close the eyes and I would fear. But it was not at all afraid or because you are embraced by the Sirius-san now. "We do'm toward Where is?" "ahead there will be a lake?'ve got to cross the lake in this state straight flying" Sirius's description Street, I have seen a lake as a little goes. If you continue continue to fly over the lake, it is in front of us the fantastic sight jumped to the eye. Water surface of the lake or because the wind is weak today will have to reflect the night sky like a mirror, it is the moon in the sky and the lake looked like a two. "Wow ...... great" "Oh, this is also the mystery's Na cause natural" in such a fantastic sight, suddenly Sirius's mask was reflected in the eyes. Though seems wearing for disguise, I wonder if not removed? And to would be hard to look Toka before, I myself wanted to see the face of Mr. Sirius above all. "Sirius's, Can I remove the mask?" "do? Oh. It would be okay if you come up here. Hey I'll ask you because not tied up" When I remove the mask so as not to disturb, looking always Sirius's face will appear. And I do towards the line of sight, and laughed and Nikoli. "Thank you Na" that moment ...... my heart was splashed big. It becomes hot in the body, and I violently began to move to the more likely broken heart. But that it was similar until now it had several times, This time it completely different. And though painful when looking at Sirius's face, it is not able to divert the eye. This I that I am's Sirius? But it's useless. To the Sirius's there are Emilia, And I'm just thinking seems father with Kai rely on Sirius's. Wearing a wedding dress, it can be carried in the princess hug, and I just have soared to the longing of the situation seen in the story. I'm sure this feeling also, just glad to Fureae with people such as Father to be respected. When an attempt is made ​​to Omoikomo so, I remembered the words of Emilia that has been Tweeted in the previous ear. "I my feelings honestly" ...... Emilia ...... So I No good? It's good ...? Well if there ...... I'm not saying such a thing? My honest feeling .... Rather'm as Father, ... as a boy of one person. I like ...... it is Mr. things Sirius.

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