My Prince (behind the scenes)This is the perspective of the protagonist of the previous story."Roger was to's husband. Immediately taken contact with Castle I do ""Oh, ask. Coming here to make one morning, preparation materials and also in parallel ""For any sessu you. So come back tomorrow, please! " Day lease prenuptial ritual, we had prepared to invade Castle in Gargan. It's the way unless you specifically from Gargan shokai ritual of celebration and wedding cakes to, buried in, invade the Castle. So tomorrow early in the morning make a hollow cake inside, lurking in the cake that the evening invade the venue. And listening to the real intention of the lease, kidnap her, depending on the response stream. Is whether or not it will accept the cake Castle side, there is famous Billboard that Gargan shokai well by us will function. If another way to think of it."Lease. But good without suffering from strange ""I think I'm really worried about. I lease my sister's opinionated in a strange place ""From the met tomorrow anyway. Honestly speaking it's a marriage of convenience, as Elysium country important way is barking. And I'm going to do, and this is where I'm gonna alienate countries one single act and understand. But only 2 years and although I know well nature of the lease. Sweet Child shy but work hard, care for others, but quite incapable of their opinions on the strong spirit of self sacrifice. It's likely this incident even agreed in place of the river Hime. So seeing her tomorrow, questioning motives. So if you decided to live the Royals as seriously, I do nothing, leaving. Forgo the disciples on a journey, but I also mentor role to play in."Then my brother, we're back to the dormitory.""Good night, Mr. Sirius" Were you busy tomorrow, so today is another rest brother and sister. Should have heard the people from outside and have all tools and in student dormitories, solo returned to Diamond-so I get ready to. It's time sleeping if a child already has its footsteps straight headed here. Reaction know look in "search" and had waited for the visitors to boil hot water in the kitchen while. Before long, that knocks the door."Sorry for the late night. Is SIRIUS? 」 Visitor was in the retinue of the river Princess Xenia. Story involving the lease of things that came in her solo, why and where to? Somewhat wary while she was invited to diamonds-so we decided to put out tea, ask why.粗茶."This carefully. Sudden visits to thank first of all, thank you. Lease which is why today visited as of. ""Well deserved. In the range you can please explain? 」 Senia says status quo. River Princess and stop the ritual and ceremony and agreed to lease the cooped up in a room of the castle is now the sanatorium located a short distance from the Castle by order of the King sent to seems to be."Against this prenuptial ritual River is from the original, was say that you feel this is something strange. So River is quietly sent to the sanitarium, decided to take action in one. ""With its action...? 」"Yes, if you masculine you like and understand. As the Princess of the country as well as this, lease customer's is likely to ask you as a family " Xenia turn words, and bowed my head down and told.「明日の儀式にて、リース様を攫ってください」 リーフェル姫も儀式に違和感を感じていたのか。それでも一国の姫として国の方針に堂々と逆らえないので、無力化された振りをして手をうったわけだ。そしてその手が……俺なわけだな。こんな子供にとは思うが、リーフェル姫は俺を子供と見ていなかった。頼るに値すると見なし、加えてこちらの性格を知った上での依頼だろう。「本来なら此度の件に関係の無いシリウス様に、国へ逆らえと依頼するのは無茶な話であると承知してます。卑怯な考えですが、今回の件で黙っていないであろうシリウス様なら断らないという打算もありました上での依頼です。お受けしていただけますか?」 卑怯……か、いいだろう。 リーフェル姫が俺を利用すると言うなら、存分に利用されてやろうじゃないか。どうせ依頼されなくても、彼女へ会いに城へ行く予定だったんだ。何も無い状態より、リーフェル姫という後ろ盾がある方が安心できる。「その依頼……お受けしましょう」「ありがとうございます。私も派手に動けないので、貴方がいてくださり本当に感謝しております」 セニアは申し訳無さそうに深々と頭を下げた。 とは言うが、リースを攫うのはあくまで最終手段であり、結局は彼女の真意が全てであると思っている。なので現場の判断で臨機応変に動いていいか聞いてみた。「リース様が救われるのは、リーフェル様も含め私の意志でもあります。あれほどリース様に信頼されるシリウス様なら良き方向へ導いてくれると信じておりますので、判断は貴方にお任せします」「ではそのように。セニアさんもリースの事が心配なのですね」「はい。リース様は私にとっても妹のようなものですから。主を差し置いてこんな事を言うのは、従者としては失格でしょうね」 そう言って彼女が見せた表情は慈愛に満ちていて、本気でリースを心配しているようだった。「シリウス様ばかりに頼るわけにはいきませんので、私に手伝える事はありませんか? 何でも申し付けてください」「でしたら城へ潜入できるルートはありませんか?」 前世の技術を持つ俺だけなら潜入するのは容易い。だが姉弟はそうはいかず、ケーキの内部を空洞にして忍び込むという方法をとろうとしたが、城の関係者ならもっと良い案があるかもしれない。
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