「シリウス様、いよいよですね」「ああ、色々我慢をさせて悪いが頼んだぞ」「リース姉の為さ。このくらいへっちゃらだよ」 ガルガン商会の制服に身を terjemahan - 「シリウス様、いよいよですね」「ああ、色々我慢をさせて悪いが頼んだぞ」「リース姉の為さ。このくらいへっちゃらだよ」 ガルガン商会の制服に身を Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


















「何故です! 私はエリュシオンを豊かにしたいだけで……」


「攫う? これは王の命令によって行われている儀式です! それを滅茶苦茶にしてただで済むと思っているのですか!」

貴族としては正しいだろうが、花嫁は俺の弟子だぞ? リースを攫うなら自分を倒してからにしろ……くらい言ってほしいものだ。

「う、うるさい! 私がどんな思いであの子を諦めたか知らないくせに、上から語るな!」


『君を忘れるなんて出来るものか! 父上に命令されようがこれは絶対変えられない。私は君を愛しているんだ!』







Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
"Like Sirius, this is it.""It was bad, Oh, let me put things!""For leasing my sister's. Say this about et al. " I dressed in the uniform of Gargan sees prepared costumes. That white does not realize the body wear in papal masks of white that covers the entire face core portions of whole-body robe. And if you add these, I do not know. Aiming at a venue for prenuptial ritual, only after a wait for the production. And prenuptial ritual began. In Emilia and reus are moving around the venue as a maid and Butler, I'm lurking in the beams of the ceiling, was around the venue. And two people from the front and put it here, before lurking in the wedding cake I enter the room, all kinds of people who emerge from the cake in. Number of people gathered at the venue would be about 50 people. Various figures and were waiting for nobility and chat together on the surface, appeared to lead."Protagonists of this in the cooler and is the entrance of the fairies" Cooler lease voice of Chair man, dressed in a wedding dress and yesterday saw came into the venue. Open your eyes is the lease reeling and the air venue seems that Undertow completely. That perspective is not fixed and little chance to give at any moment emotional outburst and so is her mission and was enduring."Gathering many people to the ceremony tonight is my family and the Royal family is tied for..." And rituals go, but along the way lease expression brightened. Emilia hand waving if you gaze to look at her, dumbfounded look forward but wasn't but gleefully, began looking around the venue. Apparently noticed the presence of the us, was soon look cloudy microphone I. Evidence and changing facial expressions and busy, but it's just emotional instability.See our venue, please see here " I wonder if cake made my show with guests, but more cake inside cavity guys react. Lease also truly watching my favorite cake in this situation very happy looks like did. That followed still stand, but comes here also perversely an admirable thing. However, if you continue this over really committed marriage would. You are really good at it? This forced further, to kidnap her? それはリーフェル姫の依頼として間違った方法じゃないのだが、俺は彼女に精神的に成長してほしいのだ。このまま成り行きで助けられるんじゃなく、自分の意思をはっきりと出してほしい。嫌ならばはっきりと否定してほしいのだ。そうすれば俺は……。 その時リースは涙を流して俯いたので、俺は反射的に聴力を強化した。「…………嫌ぁ……」 ……ようやく本音を言ってくれたなリース。 確かに君は王族の一端として、そして姉さんの為にこの儀式を受けたのだろう。だがな、それは君の独りよがりに過ぎない。たとえ君が身代わりになっても姉さんは絶対に喜ばないし、むしろ罪悪感でいっぱいになるだろう。姉妹揃って益にならない結果になるならば、例え追われる事になろうが俺は儀式をぶち壊す。 それに俺の予想が正しければこの儀式はきっと……。「作戦開始だ」 今は彼女を優先しよう。『コール』で指示を飛ばし、二人は打ち合わせ通り会場の隅に『水霧(アクアミスト)』を描いた魔法陣の布を置いた。それに『ストリング』を伸ばして発動させ、会場は水の霧に包まれた。「わかった」 リースに一言伝え、俺は用意した衣装に着替えて行動を開始する。どさくさに紛れて姉弟は予備の魔法陣を設置し、全部で四つも設置された会場はもはや白一色である。 ついでにケーキを壊しておくのも忘れずに命令しておく。エミリアが一瞬躊躇しつつも『風玉(エアショット)』を放ち、数時間かけて作ったケーキは爆発したように飛び散って崩れた。もったいないが、ケーキが空洞だと知られれば、ガルガン商会に疑いがかかるからな。 その頃リースはクーラに掴まれて問い詰められていた。一度感情が溢れだした彼女はクーラを完全に拒絶しており、怯えながら掴まれた手を振り回していたので急いで向かった。「何故です! 私はエリュシオンを豊かにしたいだけで……」「見苦しいな。振られたのを自覚しろ」 背後から忍び寄り、俺は二人の間に入った。リースは複雑な表情をしていたが、まずはこの男からだな。「攫う? これは王の命令によって行われている儀式です! それを滅茶苦茶にしてただで済むと思っているのですか!」「減点だ。男なら王よりまず花嫁を心配しろ」 貴族としては正しいだろうが、花嫁は俺の弟子だぞ? リースを攫うなら自分を倒してからにしろ……くらい言ってほしいものだ。「それと個人的に調べてみたが、お前は見事なくらい親の傀儡だな。他に愛している者がいるくせに、お前はこんな所で何をやっている?」「う、うるさい! 私がどんな思いであの子を諦めたか知らないくせに、上から語るな!」 昨日、父親に命令されたクーラが向かった部屋に居たのは、ベッドに寝ていた一人の女の子だった。 顔色は白いがクーラに会えて嬉しいらしく、朗らかに笑って彼を出迎えていた。そして父親からリースと結婚しろと命令されたという話をしたが、彼女は首を振ってクーラの手を握った。『クーラ様、私にかまわず結婚なさってください。王族の方と結婚なさるなら、きっとクーラ様は安泰ですよ。ベッドから碌に起き上がれない私の事などお忘れください』『君を忘れるなんて出来るものか! 父上に命令されようがこれは絶対変えられない。私は君を愛しているんだ!』『クーラ様……私はその気持ちで十分です。ですから王族の御方と結婚されてください。それが貴方の幸せであり、私の幸せですから』 彼女の出生等はわからないが、お互いに愛し合っているのだろう。なのに彼女はクーラの幸せの為に身を引くと言っていた。とても良い子だというのに、お前はいつまで人形でいるつもりだ?「ほら、ちゃんと自分の意見が言えるじゃないか。それを親に堂々と言って来い。お前は一人の人間であり、親の人形じゃないんだからな」「私は人形ー……がふっ!」 クーラを気絶させ、俺はリースと向き合った。声質は変えていないから、彼女はすぐに俺だとわかったようである。「フェアリース姫、君を攫いに来た」「シリー……むぐっ」 おいおい、名前を呼んだら変装した意味がないだろうが。慌てて彼女の口を塞ぐが、喜んでいるのは何故だ? しばらくして口を開放すると、彼女は喜びから一転し、神妙な顔つきで首を振っていた。「……攫いに来たのは凄く嬉しいです。ですが、私はここに残って儀式を続けなければいけないんです」「もう君が儀式を続ける必要はない。俺達とここから逃げよう」「私が儀式をしなければ姉様が代わりになるだけなんです。だから私が我慢すれば全部……」 我慢……ね。嫌な事だとはっきり認めたのに、君はそれでも姉さんの為に自分を犠牲にするのか。普段は優しくて素直な子なのに、大切な人になればここまで面倒になるんだな。手のかかる子ほど可愛いというが、全く以ってその通りである。
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
"Sirius like, we are finally"
"Oh, bad by a wide variety of patience but'll asked"
"Is the order of lease sister. It 's care less tea this much" is I dressed in uniforms of the Garganta Chamber of Commerce, to confirm the prepared in advance costumes. Only part of the eye to the white of the mask that covers the entire face to be hollowed out, it is a systemic robe of white that does not realize the type, such as the Pope wear. If you stick them will not know it's me. With the aim of venue is made ​​of pre-marital ritual, after it was only waiting for the production. And premarital ritual began. While Emilia and Reus move around the venue as a maid and butler, I was overlooking the venue is lurking on the ceiling beams. Unlike the two people who were proudly put from the front I entered the venue lurking in the wedding cake, but not to be here to come out from the cake before a person gather. Number of people gathered at the venue will about fifty. On the surface are a variety of stalwart and noble chatted happily, I was waiting for the main character appeared. "Is this time of the protagonist, is the admission of the cooler-like and fair lease-like" moderated by a man's voice, and lease dressed in wedding dress, came into the cooler venue saw yesterday. Lease has been upset with eyes wide open, it seems to have been swallowed completely air venue. To eyes has not been determined, but is likely to explode at any moment feelings If you give a little chance, she had answered the desperate to fulfill the mission. "Tonight in order to perform the ritual that my family and the royal family is tied, a lot of people ...... collection" is but ritual going underway indifferently, lease of expression became bright in the middle. If pointing your eyes to gaze ahead there is the figure of Emilia shake the hand, and began looked gleefully venue You did not look stunned only forward. It's apparently how I noticed I our present, but had immediately facial expressions head down cloudy. I think To the busy changed expression claims about, but it would be unstable evidence much emotion. "Venue of everyone, please see here." Although I have introduced the cake to guests who made, I guess those guys to any reaction knowing the contents of the cake is that it is hollow. Lease also in this situation truly it was not a happy even look at the great favorite of cake. It has endured yet, but it is something good if me stubbornness even here. However, further advances if would have been promised really married. Do you really good in it? Will you should run away with her ​​this remains forced to stepped in? It 's not a wrong way as the request of Riferu princess, but I'm wants to grow her mentally. Rather not you be helped in this state course, I want to clearly put their own intention. I want you to clearly negative, if unpleasant. That way I can .... Since the time the lease is downcast and tears that, I was strengthened reflexively hearing. "............ Unpleasant § ......" ...... and lease Na me finally say the real intention. Certainly you as a royal one end, and would have received this ritual for the sister. Dagana, it is only in your complacent. To you it is if not pleasing to absolutely sister even when the scapegoat, it is going to be full but rather in the sense of guilt. If result in can not be the sister aligned to benefit, but would be even chased me to blitz the ritual. And this ritual is surely ...... is correct is my forecast. and "It's a strategy start" now is trying to prioritize her. And skip the instructions in the "call", the two put the magic of cloth depicting the "water fog (Aqua Mist)" in the corner of the meeting as the venue. And was triggered by extending a "string", the venue was shrouded in mist of water. "Understood," reportedly word to lease, I start the action and change into the prepared costume. Under cover to Dosakusa siblings established the magic of preliminary, venue four have also been installed in all is no longer all white. Incidentally it should be instructions to not to forget keep breaking the cake. While Emilia is hesitation moment also emits a "Kaze-dama (air shot)", the cake that was made ​​over a period of several hours collapsed in scattered as exploded. a waste, but if known cake and have it cavity, I'll doubt is applied to the Garganta Chamber of Commerce. At that time the lease had been Toitsume is gripped in cooler. Once her emotions overflowing has been completely reject the cooler and headed in a hurry because I was wielding a hand that has been gripped with fear. and "Why! I just ...... want to enrich the Elysium" "Do not unsightly. Read aware hula was the" it crept from behind, I went between the two people. Although lease had a complex expression, First we look from this man. The "dredge? Is this ritual is performed by the king of the instruction! which was to mess believe that the need for free!" and "It's a deduction. First, white worry about the bride than a man if the king" Although would be correct as noble, the bride is my disciple? It's what you want to say about ...... castle from killing yourself if you run away with the lease. "At the same although I personally examined, Do not You're the parent puppet much stunning. In habit there are those who love to others, you are doing what in a place like this?" "cormorant, noisy! I but the habit you do not know or gave up that child in what I think, Do not! "says from the top yesterday, was staying in a room with the instruction has been cooler towards the father, it was one of the girl was sleeping in bed. Complexion Rashiku white but glad to meet in cooler, had greeted him cheerful to laughing. And it has been a story that was ordered white married to lease from her father, she was holding the hand of the cooler and shook his head. "Cooler like, please make yourself marriage without regard to me. If Nasaru marriage with people of the royal family, is peace surely cooler-like. My Please forget such things "you do not get up to six out of bed or "you can do Nante forget your stuff! It will be the instruction to father, but this can not be changed absolutely. I'm love you! " "cooler like ...... I is sufficient that feeling. Please So is married to a royal personage. It is your happiness, "Because it is my happiness I do not know her birth, etc., and probably are in love with each other. Yet it was said that she step aside for the happiness of the cooler. And to say it's very good child, you're going to have in forever doll? "Look, do not it properly say their own opinion. Come to say it with the imposing to the parent. You are one person, Na because I'm not a parent of the doll," "I doll over ...... Gafu~tsu! " cooler and stunned, I was facing the lease. And because voice quality is not changed, she seems to have found as soon as it is me. "Fair lease Princess, you and came to Sarai," "series ...... Mugu~tsu" Hey, but would not make sense that you disguise When you have called a name. The panic is to close her mouth, but it's why the willing? When you open the mouth after a while, she reversal from joy, had shook his head in meek ​​look on someone's face. and "I came to Sarai ...... It is very glad. you, but, I do not go unless continued ritual to remain here." "The other you is not necessary to continue the ceremony. I will run away ours and from here " "I'm only a substitute if sister-like is not a ritual. So all ......" If I put up with it patience .... And though was clearly observed when thing unpleasant, whether you want to sacrifice myself for the sister still. Even though gentle and the obedient child is usually, it's going to be in trouble up to this if accustomed to important people. It says cute as a child consuming hand, but it is the street I completely following.

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