At 00:00 (1) -- 32, 149 00:00 36, 153 2 stress at 00:00 36 --, 153 00:00 38 in the input,: oh hey Hiroshi)
to fish at all 。
3 at 00:00 38 --, 672 00:00 40, 174. Hey! Good 。
pyeong 4 at 00:00 174 -- 40, 00:00 42, 142 potential ピョン Yoshi. What you just ➡
Hiroshi 。
5 at 00:00 42, 142 00:00 -- Taking, 644 43 at the fish come 。
at 00:00 43. 6., 644 -- 00:00 46, 680. Eh! Category: so you don't get the frog fish! Cos 7 at 00:00 46, 680 -- 00:00, 48It might be a good idea 。
215 at about 8 at 00:00 48 --, 215 00:00 51, 151 to save it from going at the fish to sell it, I 。
Chacha 9 at 00:00 51 --, 151 00:00 53 in a long time, 153. At first he went ➡
10 at 00:00 53, 153 -- 00:00 55, 639. For good or 。
Hiroshi fish get me 。
11 at 00:00 55, 639 -- 00:00 57, 658. Bah! And a smile! 12 at 00:00 57, 658 -- 00:00 59, hell 。
and good at 660. Hey! Well 13 at 00:0059, 660 -- 00 01:01, 645 at me! And smile at it! Well 14 at 00 01:01, 645 -- 00, 01, 164. I found that... Look, go! And I want to! Fifteen at 00, 01 00, 164 have 05 06, 183. What can you see in it at all! Lol at 16 - 06 00 00, 183 - 09 -- potential, 236 children Ye! A good child, I hope to everyone! Playing - 17 at 00 00, 01, 236 -- 11, 672. How are you? The Frog Happy pyeong Ji speaks at the ➡
shirt 18 at the pre -, 672 at 11: 15 --, 142.。
, Hiroshi is 50 yen at once! Well 19 at 00 00, 142: 15 - 17 --, 161 is good at 。
is fine. Let's go 。
20 00 01 00 / 01 / 161, 17 -- 18, 661. Oh... 。
21 at 00 10 -- 20, 164 01 00 to 23, 167. Oh... 。
22 23, 01 00 00 167 -- 10 at the, 169, huh... 。
23 at 10 00 00, 169 -- command, 703. Eh? Well 24 - 26, 703 00 00 10 -- 30, 157. Haha...! A down-and-out you! Well 25 - 30 00 00 --, 157 - 32, 159. Can you 。
popular! At 00 26 too01 00 -- 32, 159 / 05, 645 at the mercy 。
Hiroshi I don't what you 。
27 / 05, at 00 00: 36 - 645 -- in this, 663 or earn pocket money 。
28 at 00: 36 --, 663 01 00, 01:38 665 at 30 years old. He is a man with a small 。
29 at 00 at all --, 01:38 665 - 41 00 at breakfast today, 668 yes! At the ah? Breakfast was one that what you 。
at 30 00 - 41 --, 668 at 01:44, 154 at me or I will! At... In taking the fun! Well 31 at 01:44,01 00 154 --, 46 which small ぇん 707 at me I can put it at the top at the frog 。
32 01 00 00 / 01 / 46, 707 -- 49, 259 plane was in a frog at this good man! Well 33 00 at 01 00, 259 -- 49 - 52, pain and 。
lark at ぇよ don't brought pain 162 ouch! Well 34 - 52 at 00 00 --, 162 - 54, 147. Oh pain sore pain... I 。
pain ぇん 35 at 00 01 00, 147 -- 54 - 56, you keep me with you 。
166 take off! At 00: 36 too - 56, 166 -- 00 - 58. He, 652 pain!Ouch! By category at you! Well 37 at 00 - 58, 652 -- at 02:00 in, 654 to bite at it... 。
38 at 00 00 --, 654 - 02 02, 673. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Well 39 at 673, 02 02 00 00 --, at 673 - ah... ? I really like. Ouch! Lol at 40 - 06 00 00 --, 693 - 08, 729 cry at the input)
41 00 00, 729 08 11 -- 11. 02, 164 to go... What! Well 42 at 00 - 02 00, 164 11 -- 13, 166 Hiroshi! At? Well 43 at 00 11 -- 13, 166 at - 15, 669.? At?Well 44 at 00 - 15 --, 669 00 - 19 at the, 172, cut it out, I stop at Hiyoshi pyeong ha ha! Playing - 45 at 00 00, 172 19 -- 21, Hiroshi 158. Go! So stop at me! Well 46 at 00 21 --, 158 at 11, 677. But I think that because I can not swim at the 。
47 at 00, 677 11 -- 11, 00 26 can not look at it as 196 involved in your life 。
48 at - 196, 00 00 26 -- 11, but unfortunately at the, 232 hat at a good buy again? Too 49 at 11, 00232 -- 00 - 29, 766 standing at it! Playing - 29 at 50 00 00, 766 -- 11, 153 is not good at the guts out! Not at all! Well 51 at 00, 153 -- 11 02:35 00 in, from man took guts, what will remain at that! Well 52 at 02:35, 00 00 - in --, 158. HMM... I standing Playing - 53 at 00 00 - --, 158, 678 at 41 from good to have nothing left! At the heave-ho! Lol at 54 - 41 00 00, 678 -- - 44, 164 at ヤダヤダ... Stop, stop! Cos 55 00 at 44 11 -- 11, 164 at, 46 at 650 still! Do you stop at the ヤダヤダ! Fearthecutest 56 at 00 - 46, 650 -- at 02:49 202. In, pyeong lucky me! Playing - 57 at 00 00, 202 -- 49 - wow ~~! 53, 674. I ~~! at Fearthecutest 58 at 00 - 53, -- 674 - 55 00 at 175 is, atta Ouch! At 59 too - 55 00 00, 175 --, 661 - 57 stops at the ヤダヤダ... Stop! Suck up to go at the heave-ho! Playing - 60 at 00 00 -- 57, 661 - 59 at 680, by it and break it up! Stop me Well 61 at 00 - 59, -- at 680 680, at 03:03To the nature ~~~‼
~~! WOW Well 62 at 11 / 06 00 00, 670 -- 11 at 10, 741 ヤダヤダ ヤダヤダ! I will be with you at the category! Well 63 at 00, 10 --, 741 at 03:12, by my ヤダヤダ 741. Hiroshi go at it! Fearthecutest 64 at 00 14 11 -- 11, 678 at 16 at the, 179 Hiroshi! Well, 65 at 00 00, 179 16 -- F, 179.? You to me Well 66 at 03:21 00 00, 151 11 -- 23 at the, 151! Twitter! Well 67 at 3 00 00, 154 --, 656 was a loser! Lol at 68 at 25, 656 11 -- 11 28 00, 692.It ~~~‼
69 standing at the, 692 11 28 00 00 32 11 -- oh ~~~!, 192. Sports, 70 00 at 03:33, 146 -- 11 at 37, 167 coughing at the input)
71 at 37, 167 11 -- 11, 171 41 00 at the lee-huh ah... 。
lee-huh lee-huh lee-huh... 。
72 at 03:41 00 00, 171 -- 11 attacker, 171 girl. Okay? Well 73 11 45 at 00 00, 659 -- 11. Yes I, 47 159 。
74 at 00 48, 695 11 -- 11, 00 at 248 pyeong good thank you! Well 75 at 00, 11 03:53 248 -- at the input, 684. Good boy hops Yoshi! AtBy! Planar frog! Well 76 at 03:53 00 00, 684 -- 11 56, 169
≪ pyeong lucky you! Aha, I ≫
77 at 00 56, 169 11 -- 11 58, 655 00 at f f f... 。
(applause at the)
78 at 11 58, 655 -- at 04:00, 674
(applause at the)
79 at 04:00, -- 674,, 04 00 00 144
80 at 11: 00, 144 04 05 -- that's all right, 646
... 。
81 at 00 04 05 / 04 00, 646 -- 25, 649
82 at 25, 04 00 00 649 -- 11 45, 669
83 at 45, 04 00 00 669 -- 11, 169
4984 at 00 05:05, 205 -- 11 06 00 00 stress at 85, 156 156 --, 11 06 00 / 05 / 07, the potential, Kyoko. Huh... 。
86 00 at 11 / 07 / 657, -- at 05:11, 178 。
87 not different at 00 at 05:11, 178 -- at 05:15, of スピーカー)
♪~ gorilla attacker bought that car too pan 88 at 00 00 / 05 / 15 --, 665 19 11,, do not know each
♪~ sold out at 00 at 89 I too,, 19 11 -- 11 22 00, 155 gorilla
♪~ bread? What was your 。
Gori Raimo 90 at 11 22 00 00, 155 --, 23 11 that
♪~ gorilla 657 bread too 91 at 00 00, 657 23 11 -- 11: 25, 659
≪ gorilla bread! Pan ≫
≪ gorilla! ≫
92 00 at 05 / 25, 659 -- at 05:27, potential ゴリライモ 677. Welcome 。
93 at 00. Wait a minute, I have, 05:27 677 at 05:30, 163
♪~ Gori Raimo too 94 at 05:30 00 00, have, 163 the input ゴリライモ 32, 649.? Kyoko? Fearthecutest 95 at 05:32 00 00, 649 -- 11 at 34, 649 Kyoko! Lol at 96 00: 36, 670 -- 11 05:38, 00The input ゴリライモ 705. What you come back? Next up at 00, 705 38 11 05:40, -- 00 at 240 。
TA 98 at 05:40, 00 00, 11 have, 42 or 240 in divorce? Lol at 05:43 99 00 00, 143 -- 11 45 per, 143? Eh? Check 100. 00, 663 46 11 -- 11 at 48, 663. Just wait a 。
101 at 00 54, 671 -- 11 05:57 00, 157. I'll 。
102 at 00 05:57, 157 -- at 05:59 baked, 657. It makes a delicious 。
103 at 00, 166 11 -- 11 06:08 00, 166 to eat 。
104 at 0006 / 06 00 14, 174 -- 16, was good at 660 。
105 at 16 06 00 00, 660 -- 11 18 at the, 660 naturally 。
106 at 00 10 -- 20, 180 at 06:23, 180 is 。
107: Thank you. 06 00 00, 671 27 -- 11. 30, 674 ゴリライモ potential passenger seat I free you 。
108 at 00 10 -- 30, 674 06 00 at 32, 674 always welcome at the 。
109 06 00 00: 36 --, 680 06, 38 is 680 at 110. I get interesting 。
06 00 00 44, 237 -- 11, 659 49.Plum)♪~ love is love is love you too love Yoshiko 111. 06 00 00 49, 659 -- 11, 664
♪~ 54, good at not too good to 112. 06 00 00 -- 54, 664 06:58, 168
♪~ Woo Yoshiko Mr. Hiroshi potential of pickled plum, mom! Well 113 at 06:58 00 00, 168 -- 11 morning at 59, 669 。
114 at 00 00 sensor 59, 06 07 -- 02, 172 of Hiroshi mom haha is 。
115 at 00 / 07 / 02 00, 172 -- 11 / 04 /, input port mom)
HiroshiPlum blossoms, vigorously work you 。
116 at 11: 00 00, 658 -- 11 years old man,, at 195: Sagawa umesaburo 52 single 。
117 at 00 / 08 / 11 -- 11, 195 at 10, 230 of the sun at the human under the ➡
118 at 00, 10, 230 at 11 -- 13, 183 is at work developed my meals that he would never 。
ume 119 at 00 and 11 -- 13 00, 183 07:19, 683. So I want to do no one really stupid son heard at the 。
120 at 07:20, 00 00 10 -- 674 23, 674.Hiroshi Hiroshi my mom's home. ≫
to... 。
121 at 00 10 -- 25, 178 at 07:27, 731 to sleep at the time up! Well 122 at 07:27 00 00, 731 -- 11 29, 766
≪ my breakfast. ≫
123 11 29 at 00 00, 766 -- 32 11 at a, 169. He can now 。
124 at 00, 169 32 11 -- 11 at 34, 171 of the n-dimensional Hiroshi Hiroshi -- home mom! ≫
125 at 00 34, 171 -- 11 07:36 00, 156 I! Up at 00: 36 126, 156 11 -- 11 at a, 159. It can be longer.Did you get up, yes, yes! Fearthecutest 127 at 00 11 -- 11, 159 at 40, 660. Good night 。
128 at 40 at 11 -- 11, 660 at 42, 162. Huh... 。
129 at 00, 162 42 11 -- 11, 00 at 43 in 663 Hiroshi! Fearthecutest 130 at 00, 663 43 11 -- 11 at 46 it at a, 183 can you know 。
Hiroshi Hiro 131 at 46, 183 -- 11 07:49 00, 753. When you sleep! Get out of bed, Hiroshi! Well 132 at 07:49, 753 00 00 07:52, -- and it can be added at the frog, shut up! AtThey say the frog! Well 133 at 07:52 00 00, 656 -- 11 at the plane of, 55. A good frog hops at me! Fearthecutest 134 at 11, 659 55 00 00 10 --, 59. Hey I got up to now at 162 at ~。
135 at 00 10 59, 162 02, pre -- what he worked at 165 hey what have to wake up early. Morning! Fearthecutest 136 at pre, 165 02 00, 11 have you at least 150, Hiroshi 。
137 at pre - 5, 150 pre --, 687. 07, man? Guts? Well 138 at pre, 07YouTube - pre -- 09, at 723 produce Hiroshi guts! Lol at 139 pre -- 09, 723 pre, 659 12 at the guts of guts guts... Can't! Lol at 140 at 08:12, 659 pre -- 15, 161. Hey 。
141 is already rooted at the pre -- 15, 161 pre 17, 647 at you... Hey! Hiroshi brought back! Fearthecutest 142 at the pre -- 17, 647 at 08:20, 166 mummy! Help me フフフ 。
143 at 00 at 08:20, 166 pre -- 23, 169 at me if I am hungry, I will take you 。
hun! Too144 00 at 11, 169 pre -- 23 to 25, 669 goes back to you! At 00 145 too, 743 29 -- 11 08:33 00 at 663, not anything that he would eat at 。
146 at 08:33, 00: 36 663 pre -- all, 。
not from work at 00 。
147, 666. 11 -- 00: 36, 666 669 at 11, rice warm one eat a delicious GWA. I 。
148 00 at 11 -- 11, 669 41 00 at various, 655 slowly at the small small ➡
149 at 00, 08 08:41655 pre -- 43, 657 to eat rice or dishes that I was bad at 00 at 150 。
08:43, 657 pre -- would agree in the world, 。
675 at it? Fearthecutest 151 at 45 pre --, 675 at 08:47, 675. Yes, yes 。
152 at the pre -- 49, 212 at 08:51, haven't used 248. Mum said 。
153 00 at 08:51, 248 -- 54, pre good at 167 pyeong recently at you like my shirt! 。
154 at the pre -- 54, 167 56 pre, poor at its 。
653 very cute... 。
155 at 00, 11 08:56Pre -- 653 1:59 and, together at this 656 you ashamed at the guts of guts to 。
156 at 1:59 pre --, 656 00:09 03, 159 a nothing! The life of a man standing laughing, crying! Well 157 at 00:09 03 00, 159 -- 11, 17 / 05
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