「ならば代わりにリーフェルを出すしかあるまい。幸い病気も治ったようだしな」 数日前に姉様が言っていた。病気になって良かった事と言えば私の友達 terjemahan - 「ならば代わりにリーフェルを出すしかあるまい。幸い病気も治ったようだしな」 数日前に姉様が言っていた。病気になって良かった事と言えば私の友達 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


























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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
"If you but instead to refer the Beeb. Also luckily cured seems " A couple of days like my sister was saying ago. It's staff became ill and speaking to a friend of mine met and things lost prenuptial ritual had been decided beforehand. It was not due to the long-awaited sick. Leave my sister become victims? It also... It's disgusting. I have a melt's sister. Childhood is like my sister and melts, melt, climbed until the imperial guards in the intently my sister like to protect people so melt's sister is attached from the heart. Eyes melt, but on the surface, not a Princess was a woman. Two people still for so I we can't willfully break. Only one had no choice."No, much like my sister is if I get! 」 Determination of my father or so muttering went away. My imagination could look a little complicated... I wonder? That said, leaving the Castle until the end of the ritual, so staying at the castle today. So has sent to the sanatorium heard that came here to stop the ritual like my sister from the Castle, at the behest of father away from the Castle. To listen to the facts, I 零remashita tears. Like my sister. Thank you very much. I wanted in 10 minutes so is like my sister who like to be happy,. Luxury accommodation Castle in my room is not guided in the drawing room, but such room large, high-end furnishings. Luxury room, but I feel the charm nothing. There Emilia narrow their necessities, near, look at next to that dorm room is much better. I feel like nothing is not lying on the bed, was roundly. With this condition, when I came to the castle for the first time, I. Nobody, and nobody now, but I like my sister came at that time. But I differ from those days. I'm 2 years old, has grown. Can bear. Yeah, got more patience, I fit all round. I'm not because I live with other nobles would attend school, but only in the Emilia and I and 2. You will not sleep even forced myself not so keep watching the Moon and I. And www. My wedding dress on her body. Dream Girl Costume, but I was totally pleased."But failing as a venue shall accompany you?""I see" Cooler like that my opponent is a young 18-year-old, very good appearance is very popular to the women. Nobility in addition Elysium's son, and Kula's father seems have contributed a great deal to Elysium. Married father and bought its contribution and incorporate into the Royal family. Prenuptial ritual is decided because I still ages in early. Has conversation only slightly cooler, but sincere and gently as marriage is not a bad person. But emptiness in eyes look slightly inspire loathing. Well of course my imagination or do you know Sirius and reus, but knows the real strength of I know. Forced to be somewhat good child's Doll as you can see, there is no help. But you can't refuse it. While holding hands feel disgust, hand drawn to the cooler I was taken to the venue located on the 4 floor of Castle."Protagonists of this in the cooler and is the entrance of the fairies" Dunhuang and and whether moment entered the Hall to adorned, applauded them and stick to countless people's eyes I was shaking. Sitting position the father stand out among strangers, but that look was the same cold gaze. Fifty more venues are packed, and I began the speech voice sounds all venues is guided on a Chair placed on stage are cooler and be seated immediately good externals uncle had before."Gathering many people to the ceremony tonight is my family and the Royal family is tied for..." Then various people out ago the speech, but I no what head, was only for looking at the entire venue stunned. As world loses its color, gray world if only I was. OBI and more dishes ordered table in the externals of the portly good people. And are busily moving venue maids to serve it. In such stayed in the eye small maid's back alone. I have seen somewhere in the movements of the black-haired girl compared to the maid around, there are small, but the...「…… Emilia? 」 I'm black, covering well ears headband in a large, but that made was Emilia I had always seen. Noticed I look or click here to see her pretty little waving, laughing so no doubt I think."To come. Gave me. " 変装してまで来てくれるなんて、本当に嬉しかった。灰色に見えた世界が急に輝いて見えてきた。だって、エミリアがいるという事はきっとシリウスさんやレウスも近くにいるんだから。私は嬉しくなって会場を見回して二人を探した。 レウスは程なく見つかりました。年齢にしては背が高い子だから、大人に混じっても多少背が低い童顔の大人に見えると思う。燕尾服に銀髪を黒く染めていて、ワイングラスを乗せた盆を片手に歩き回っていた。 いつも自由に振舞っている彼が、あんなに執事らしい動きをすると不思議に見えて仕方がないなぁ。口元を緩ませていると、隣に座っていたクーラ様が立ち上がり、会場の人達に呼びかけていました。「皆様、私が次期当主であるクーラです。私は隣に座るフェアリース様と結ばれ、そしてこのエリュシオンをー……」 大きな声で演説するクーラ様を見上げる内に、私は現実を思い出してしまいました。 シリウスさんはまだ見つけて無いけど、きっとあの三人は私を助けに来たに違いありません。だけど私がここで助けられても姉様が代わりになるだけなんです。そうならない為に私はここに居るのに、目の前に現れた救いの手に決意が鈍りそうになります。 それに私を助けだしてしまったら、きっとシリウスさん達は父様や貴族に追われてしまいます。シリウスさんは私の為なら王族に追われたって構わないと言っていた。そんな風に言われて本当に嬉しかったけど、私のせいでそうなるなんて嫌だ。 だからお願い、これ以上決意を鈍らせないで。これが……最善なんだから。「会場の皆様、こちらをご覧ください」 クーラ様の演説が終わると、司会の人が布に覆われた大きな物に注目を集めさせました。何事かと思った瞬間には布が取り払われ、そこには私の身長はある巨大なショートケーキが現れたのです。「こちらはかのガルガン商会からのお祝い品です。味もさる事ながら、この見事な装飾は今日に相応しい物でしょう」 凄い、いつも見ているケーキの何倍も大きく、全体を覆うクリームが綺麗にケーキを彩っています。こんな物を作れる人なんてシリウスさんしか居ません。私の為に作ってくれたのかな? こんな巨大なケーキ、二日前の私なら飛び跳ねて喜んでいたでしょうが、今はただ空しいだけでした。 それに私は、こんなに大きくなくてもいいの。 小さいケーキを四人で切り分けて、誰のが大きいか言い合って喧嘩して、それを見かねたシリウスさんが自分の分を私達に分けてくれる。それがダイア荘で起こる日常の光景。 我慢したのに……表情に出してはいけないのに、私の目から知らず涙が零れていました。慌てて俯き誤魔化すけど、一度溢れ出した涙は止まらない。 だって……だって……。
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
"If it It will not be only issue Riferu instead.'m So fortunate illness was also cured Na" sister-like was saying a few days ago. And that it was able to meet my friends Speaking of that it was good to get sick, it's that pre-marital ritual that has been decided for a long time has run out. Sister like is sacrificed if the long-awaited out I ...... and to lost due to sick? It also would not want .... 'Cause what you have melt-san to sister like. Sister-like and melt-san in childhood friend, melt's a man who climbed in mind that I want to protect my sister like to Konoe, I am sincerely yearning my sister like such a melt-san. I'm there on the surface, eyes to see the melt-san was one women 's not princess. It can not be Nante break such suits of two people in my selfishness. Choice was only one. "No, I will appear if much older sister like leaves!" my determination father went away muttering, "I see". Only a few, it is kana ...... because of the gas seemed complicated expression? And because it was said to Na out of the castle until the ceremony was over, now that you stay in the castle today. Sister-like from the castle of the person I heard that came to stop the ritual, but so had been sent to a little away sanatorium from the castle at the instruction of the father. Listen to that fact, I tears was spilled. Sister like ...... Thank you. Because I is sufficient that feeling, please become happy and people who like the sister-like. Since the castle my room is not and was guided to the drawing-room, but it is luxurious room lined luxury likely furniture widely even in such a room. It 's luxurious room, I have nothing I do not feel attractive. The narrow and, if there close to their own household goods, is much better of Emilia is there of that dorm room if pointing your eyes to the next. I does not occur is willing to do anything, it had been rounded by rolling in a big bed. This state, Naa's along with when it came to the first castle. But at that time my sister like that came, not come nobody do not have anyone now. But I differ from those days. And because I was growing after two years ...... patience can. The Yeah, I do I fit all round if patience. But school will not go, I do not like I will not meet again Even the Emilia just live with a partner of the aristocracy. Force and telling also sleep mean there is no, I did continue watching blankly the month. And it will lead to now. My wedding dress reflected in appearance only. It 's girl longing of costume, I was not completely happy. "In Fair lease-like, and let's do Mairi the venue" and "Okay" is cooler like is my opponent in the youth older than eighteen years of age, it is likely personage Mote very well very female appearance. Furthermore, the son of Elysium's leading aristocratic, father of the cooler like is said that a significant contribution to the Elysium. Its contribution is bought, it tries to Toriireyo to royal father is the so decided to premarital ritual because marriage ...... I still in age early. I have conversation only a few from the cooler-like, it is not bad people as sincere and gentle marriage partner. But the emptiness that looks only at the back of the eye it inspires a sense of disgust. Though of course it may be my imagination, I can understand you know the Sirius's and Reus eyes that know the true strength. It's unavoidable to look like a doll which has been forced to is somehow good child. But it can not refuse at this late hour. I pulled the hand to the cooler-like, while holding the disgust in the hands of the feel I was taken to the venue on the fourth floor of the castle. "It is this time of the protagonist, is the admission of the cooler-like and fair lease-like" sparkling beer or the moment you enter the venue was decorated in, the line of sight of people who pierce the applause and countless that arise I was trembling. Though sitting in the father is prominent position in the only people who do not know, the line of sight was a cold gaze that is not the same as before. The venue you are stuffed fifty or more people, when me and cooler like is seated is guided in a chair that has been placed on stage, including the speech in voice audible to the venue all soon out in front is a good uncle of dressed below. "Tonight in order to perform the ritual that my family and the royal family is tied, ... a lot of people gathering," I make a speech out before the then various people, I content is absolutely not enter the head, But it was just stunned look at the entire venue. Like the world has lost the color, it was a feeling that being in like the world of gray just me. The good people of stout in dressed, and cuisine of color taking up arranged in a table. And maids to serving it has moving around to look busy in the venue. Small maid of one person back under such circumstances have caught the eye. It is also the maid small compared with around, but I feel that there is that movement of the black hair of the child saw in somewhere .... "...... Emilia?" I'm black hair, I have hidden well the ear in the larger Katyusha, that maid was Emilia that I was watching all the time. Did noticed my gaze, I think she is no doubt because it was laughing and waving a small hand As soon see here. and "it gave me ...... come" to Nante me come up in disguise, and was really happy. The world looked to the gray I've been seen shining suddenly. I mean, the fact that Emilia is present is surely because I'm also close to Sirius's and Reus. I was looking for two people to look around the venue to become happy. Reus was soon found. Because it is a child tall by age, I think it is somewhat back even mixed in with adult look to low baby-faced adults. If you are dyed black with silver hair in tailcoat, Bonn topped wine glass had been walking around in one hand. He has behaved always freely is, I wonder there is no way to appear to wonder if the movement seems so much butler. If you have to loosen the mouth, cooler like that was sitting next to rise, I was calling to the people of the venue. "Everyone, it is my cooler is the next family head. I was tied with fair lease like to sit next to, and this Elysium over ......" while you look up at the cooler like that speech in a loud voice, I recall a reality were sisters. But Sirius's still not to find, surely those three people must have come to help me. But I just I also sister like the aid here is in place. Even though I am here in order to not be so, it will likely blunting commitment to helping hand that appeared in front of the eye. And if you got out help me, it will surely Sirius's who is being chased by father and aristocrats. Sirius's had to say that it does not matter I was chased by a royal family if for me. And I was really glad to have been said in that way, it's so it is Nante unpleasant because of me. So please, do not blunted the determination any more. This is because I ...... a best. "Venue of everyone, here please refer to the" When the speech of the cooler like the end, people of the moderator is I was allowed to attracting attention to the big things covered in cloth. Cloth is tought in the moment that I thought if anything, there I was appeared huge short cake that is my height. "This is a celebration goods from Kano Garganta Shokai. Taste also while monkey, this stunning decoration would be appropriate to today" great, even greater many times of cake you are looking always, cream covering the whole beautiful Decorate the cake in. Do not stay only Sirius's Nante who make this kind of thing. I wonder if made ​​me for me? This huge cake, but would have been willing to jump and if my two days ago, it was only now just vain. And No I, I even without so big. To isolate a small cake with four people, Who is a fight with Ia~tsu or is large, Sirius Mr. us divide your part to us that Mikane it. Everyday sight it is occurring in the die show. And to do not put out to ...... facial expressions though was put up, the tears do not know from my eyes had been spilled. Though the rush to face down papered, tears will not stop overflowing once. Because Even ...... .......

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
"If it is instead of Lee fell out. Fortunately, it seems to have recovered from illness 」

sister said that a few days ago. And ill say good things and meet my friends, no marriage ceremony were determined for a long time. Lost when I was ill, because... I would like to sacrifice my sister come? At it... I don't like. Because you are my sister to melt. In the melt is a childhood friend, elder sister
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