"To infiltrate as a ritual in maid and Butler and I transfer what? And you can also 誤魔化seba well, and those two seems to have solid technology as guard "See you in a way that could infiltrate disguised Emilia and reus is tomorrow, so what? So I also enters the Castle as an apprentice of Gargan "See 畏marimashita. Lease is one more thing you are doing with it like leasing became a kidnap situation, if you like or could you take me to the source of the river? 」"Sanatorium was a river-like. Location can be either? 」"Will be across the Lake to the Northwest from the Castle. Prominent buildings, so I'll immediately. Provides horses and carriages in the Interior of the Castle, so using it and ran away, " In actually flew the Elysium around several times late at night and were making a map of the area around. Reminds me of Xenia said, was medium-sized buildings beside the Lake. Pursuers say coming soon if you run something in horses and horse-drawn carriage, there is running several carriages and horses, be a decoy. Speaking naturally and rightly, from kidnap Princess 1 countries would become important."We place. Than we need horses and horse-drawn carriage. So easy to pursuers shaking is going through the Woods ""But there is quite a distance? Lease customer's or severe in the legs and ""I trained her, okay. It is easier if only we trained in the Woods always running around will flee. " Also around the diamond villa surrounded by forest from a. Called to get through rough training, have the confidence to catch up to Woods who drove and also without senior adventure seekers. Having the worst lease, should I die. I suppose, but alas for brother and sister get chasing on foot.「…… I understood. If you think roiling using decoys at the very least try to run ""Thank you. So Rite what? when? 」"From the night. So I come to pick up in the evening, but both falling will do? 」"Ask in Gargan. No suspect to talk through the firm, so most will taxis to Emilia "' Okay. I want to hear something other? 」"Flow of information for other nobles and ritual details please." Then she finished the requirements and further information to get back home to major river Princess and said. Diamond Villa's front door and stepping out into the night with her, told me."At the end. Lease travellers look, refer our message and tell you? Tell me more selfish. And ""It is the message that is right for her. OK, surely will tell " And totally muttered with a laugh, she disappeared into the darkness. Are attacked by bandits will be escorted to the normally safe, but because she is competent substantial could quickly reverse the killed. At all in this area no such guys. I will do it. From the information you just got to plan fixes and and have homework. I went back to the room of diamonds opened the door to the underground rooms beneath the bed made. In covering ones harder to park here has made me and a little property. Have to able to go onto the entrance is completely disguised as the magic of its own and a special key so that even in Emilia. Ones, dark with handmade and not want to be seen by even his disciples is packed with. Take covert dress blue is put in the basement and quickly changed. It's floating image would think if they hide at night in black clothes, black and looks so blue and persimmon strain is suitable. Bug flew night I go out, and make sure there is. Ahead is a House lease marry nobility, Cura-everythi. What kind of guy is the man, Kula? And, it is going to find out that by convincing his parents and home everythi. In a previous life collecting such information would conclude you credit rumors in the world does not develop communication above all, had frequently. Creeping forward wall residences Senia was heard little in front, under cover of darkness of the night, the around the House. Noble House so naturally Lookout, but using "search" watch holes found soon. "String" and jump over fences with "boost", had broken into the House and within seconds. 盗mi見tari trade article in the Office and look inside the mansion in everythi House nature came into view. Heard and contribute a great deal to Elysium King seems an accepted, but it seems true. 事実だが……その分、裏の顔が酷いものだった。不正横領は当然として、邪魔な者の排除に裏世界の者を多用し、成り上がる為に何にでも手に染め、それらを上手く隠してきたのがよくわかった。表は善人の仮面を付けているわけだが、裏ではとんでもない悪党だったわけだな。今は良いだろうが、一つのミスが公になれば一瞬にして全てが破綻するだろう。 善だけで国は動かないから多少の悪は飲み込むだろうが、この貴族は黒く染まり過ぎだろう。優秀な一国の王がこれに気づいてないとは思えないし、婚前儀式に感じていた違和感の正体がはっきりした。 とりあえず証拠となる資料を幾つか見繕っていると、隣の部屋から大きな声が聞こえたので向かってみる。部屋を覗き込めば若くハンサムな男が、貫禄溢れる髭を生やした爺さんに怒られている状況だった。「何度でも言う。お前は私の言う事を聞いていれば良いのだ。その御蔭でここまで来れたのだろう?」「その通りです。ですが私は……」「我がエバリティ家が遂に王族へ成り上がるチャンスなのだ。あんな病弱な娘なぞ捨てておけ!」「…………わかりました」 With features from Xenia heard from the person called cooler seems young, handsome man. As heard, and not totally 言i返sete my opinion seems to parent's Beck and call. Kula biting teeth while conflict put the chest room, so I've followed quietly. And went into a small room to look into, learned of his situation. Thing was, well, sneaked home everythi, Cura principal white... Until now because I did not, did orders such as gray's. However, he will range over yet again. Problem parents cooler, and this guy is completely black. Because there is actual hand to make me good, but contributed to the country put out hands to poor across Elysian may give effect. Trying to forget the material picked up here now if you see the river Princess, and return. In the meantime time around midnight, I came to dia. Have sponge of the huge cake is somewhat tired, but now out of the prenuptial ritual to make it. Still in company no aubmmodoki from here I wouldn't make not. And take a little nap on the way, even today enough rest so no. そして婚前儀式当日。 朝からガルガン商会へお邪魔し、巨大なウエディングケーキを夕方前に完成させた。 続いて姉弟の変装だ。体に無害な黒い塗料で綺麗な銀髪を黒髪にし、尻尾は服の中に入れ、狼耳をカチューシャで隠して変装は終了だ。少し耳が窮屈だろうが二人には我慢してもらおう。 夕方になってセニアを乗せた馬車がガルガン商会へやってきた。セニアが巨大なウエディングケーキを見て驚いていたが、唾を飲んでいたのを俺は見逃さなかった。ちなみに姉弟とザックは食べれなくて本気で悔しがっていた。こんな大きいのを食べたら胸焼けするぞお前ら。 俺達はケーキを支える補助として馬車に乗り込み、目的地である城へと向かう。警備の検問はセニアが何とかしてくれるだろう。
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