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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
The grey gloom of the sky mirrored the state of Subaru’s heart.In front of Crusch’s mansion, six dragon carriages lined up in a row. Those that fled from the Roswaal domain, the villagers of Arlam(or so the place was called) were all loaded up. Only the final special carriage was reserved for Subaru and Emilia.The road is long, so unlike the way here, they won’t be riding with the children. Also because there is a mountain of things he has to say to Emilia, Subaru prearranged it so they could be alone.[I will become rather lonely]Silently gazing at the dragon carriages, Subaru heard a voice from behind him.Turning to see, it was Crusch looking at him. Her long green hair caressed by the misty wind, she closed her eyes, and reached her hand into Subaru’s hair, mussing it up.[Subaru: It’s not like anything will happen if I stay here, I’d feel bad to just keep sponging on your hospitality —to be honest, I really should be taking some time to recover, but it can’t be helped]Opening and closing his hands, Subaru thought about the state of his health, and smiled awkwardly. Back then, it was to recover his health that he came to Crusch’s mansion in the first place. Roswaal had a hand in sending him here, and it still annoys him to see that Clown’s wishes fulfilled so perfectly. As a matter of principle, even if he fulfills any of that guy’s wishes, it should be by continually stomping it.[Crusch: Natsuki Subaru-sama, you know you’re welcome to sponge here as long as you like… even though it’s hard to say that out loud][Subaru: Thank you for your offer… but while I want to, there is still a pile of loose ends I need to tie up. There’s the White Whale, “Sloth”, and the whole deal with the merchants guild…]Declining Crusch’s offer, Subaru shook his head. He was thinking of Julius and Anastasia.Out of the three factions that joined forces against the White Whale and “Sloth”, only Anastasia’s purely benefited.Crusch’s camp, by slaying the White Whale, had accomplished a glorious feat four hundred years in the making — but Crusch’s amnesia was a devastating blow.As for Subaru and Emilia’s camp that defeated “Sloth”, the supposedly well-informed Roswaal’s absence from it all doesn’t bode well at all.In terms of casualties, although they didn’t suffer heavy losses like Crusch’s camp, to Subaru, his loss was far too great to bear.In comparison, only losing a portion of her mercenaries and supply trains, Anastasia’s forces are almost completely intact. And even though she wasn’t the main player in either battle, her forces made tremendous contributions with minimal losses, a highly profitable investment.While the damage to their forces made the other two factions hesitate in publicizing their victories, it was not a concern for Anastasia.Untuk memeriksa pendakian darilita, koordinasi yang erat antara faksi-faksi Crusch dan Emilia akan diperlukan... .Seeing Subaru dalam pikiran-pikiran, Crusch menguap malas. Subaru's alis mengerutkan kening ketika ia melihat ini, dan Crusch, ekspresi wajah, malu hanya melambaikan [tidak] dengan tangannya.[Subaru: Maaf untuk menjadi begitu sentimental... tapi aku 'm malu aku bisa t membalas Anda untuk kebaikan Anda... "[Crusch: orang-orang yang membayar kembali bantuan segera tidak layak lawan. Jangan khawatir tentang itu ketika ada begitu banyak di piring Anda. Selain itu, kami menerima banyak kembali sudah]Mendengarkan kata-kata sopan Crusch's, Subaru berpaling untuk melihat di depan kereta khusus. Dibandingkan dengan yang lain, itu tampak seperti sebuah yoverly-decyorated kelas tinggi VIP naga gerbong, dan kehormatan menariknya pergi ke —[Crusch: tidak ambisius permintaan tersebut... Anda ingin mengobati luka ini tanah naga dan merawatnya? "[Subaru: Aku berutang ini tanah naga besar. Meskipun sudah waktu yang relatif singkat, berapa kali kami naik ke ambang kematian adalah lebih daripada aku dapat menghitung. Dan aku berniat untuk menghadapi banyak tantangan lain bersama-sama dengan dia, jadi aku tidak akan menganggap Patrasche untuk menjadi sebuah mainan,[Crusch:-dalam hal ini, saya memiliki tidak perlu khawatir,Naga tanah- dan kemudian, seolah-olah menolak kekagumannya berpaling kepada Wilhelm, Patrasche melirik Subaru ketika ia berbicara. Pendekar lama, yang sampai sekarang telah memeriksa kereta sebelum keberangkatan, mengangguk di percakapan mereka.[Wilhelm: "Diana" adalah jenis yang paling sulit dari tanah dragyons untuk menyenangkan. Untuk melindungi master dengan tubuhnya sendiri, Subaru harus cukup dipuja oleh ini tanah naga][Subaru: meskipun saya tidak ingat banyak, sebelum pertempuran dengan White Whale, aku hanya memutuskan untuk memilih satu ini semua dari sudden,Memang benar mereka memiliki ikatan. Ini adalah lebih beruntung, karena jika ia memilih naga dasar lain, apakah itu White Whale atau Betelgeuse, ia akan tidak berhasil keluar hidup-hidup. Pokoknya,[Subaru: saya tidak lagi dapat dipenuhi oleh naga tanah lain selain Anda. Ah, Patrasche menggoda!]Menyentuh tekstur halus sisi perut Patrasche's dengan telapak tangannya seolah-olah untuk menunjukkan
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