Bottom right, you can use the following command.---siriv 8: off: damn her mute.siriv 8: on: bottom right by using TvIF.---"siriv 8: invitation URL rejected" block invitations by using:URL/QR.---Save the siriv 8: backup: members list."siriv 8: group by" If the information remains by displays the author of the guru.view siriv 8: preliminary authors: preparatory creator is set.---publish the URL for siriv 8: invitation URL generation: group participation.siriv 8: cancel invitation: invites all to cancel"siriv 8: bye" completely, and leave the:Siri-CHAN's stop function.---view siriv 8: number of invitations: invitations can be number of remaining.use when you want to restore the siriv 8: login: Group"siriv 8: cheat codes cheat codes.---siriv 8: the picture author: heinie-CHAN to caricatures are with you.siriv 8: author: on-CHAN's shows the author.---siriv 8: version: bottom right of version.siriv 8: help: damn fine show commands can be used.---Is a detailed set of list uses settings: help: in the Group---Displays the account shall inform the siriv 8: reporting vandalism: user vandal.---Already read point setting: Tsu's it in set the point to read.Already read review: Tsu, I, shows the user a set point on read.---English Commands is here-> the right invitation rights purchase is required to invite groups to v8Learn more-> you or increases in command and once in a while through this help ('-ω-be)So comfortable (?) And on her life!http://sirichan.YZ/
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